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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

.h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify }

  1 higher education can be funded by several ways such as the following:1 all costs paid by the government 2 all costs paid by the students 3 all costs paid by the government loan which students have to pay back after graduation, please discuss the both advantages and disadvantages of all three theories above and which the best is

  2 research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. which do you consider to be the major influence?

  3 it is now possible to perform everyday tasks, such as bank transaction, shopping or even office works, without meeting people face to face. What re the effects it may have on individuals and the society as a whole?

  4 many people believe that the increasing use of modern technology at work and in leisure is reducing peoples creativity. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  5 unlimited car use has brought us a lot of problems. What are these problems? And should we discourage people to use cars?

  6 some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. Do you agree or disagree?

  7 in many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing, does this trend make positive or negative effects to society?

  8in some countries, advertisements try to persuade children to buy snacks, toys and other goods. Parents object to such pressure on children. But some advertisers claim that there is useful information in these advertisements. Discuss the both views and give your opinion.

  9 Some people say it is cruel to carry out experiments on wild animals, while others argue that it is beneficial to the scientific development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  10 Modern buildings are appearing in large numbers, and some people believe that we should build our buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



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