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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  V50233s2s4 V06


  话题 思路 例子 full name,where r u from 描述一个你喜欢的公寓 holiday library You should say: Where is it; When you went there; What books and facilities this library has; And what you like and dislike about this library. 生活的城市 体育运动 是什么?有什么意义? As for sports, I would like to talk about the sporting competition I entered. It was the competition of basketball. When I was still a student in university I entered the competition of basketball standing for our department against technology department. It was a fierce one and many members of our team were hurt during the match. However, we won the game at last because of the great efforts of every member. For me, the basketball is very meaningful, which not only brings us pleasure but also makes our class more united. swimming a special thing you want to buy in the future 是什么? 为什么? As for the thing that I want to buy, I would like to tell you that the thing I want to buy is a house in the city. You know, I am a girl of a small village and our house is very far from the city. Therefore, it is not convenient for our family to buy things. The situation of ill treating is not very good either. It always costs us about half hour to arrive in the hospital by motorbike. Whats more, the age of my parents is getting bigger and bigger, so if we move to the city it will be more convenient for them to go shopping and do some thing else. Now, I am a working person and I will try my best to earn money to buy the house. shopping 人们经常去哪shopping,花多长时间。为什么喜欢shopping。 广告 广告的利弊。人们会不会因为看了广告去买东西 letter or email 是否喜欢写信。经常收到谁的信 a place that has a lot of water Where this place is; What kinds of people live in this place; Why/when you went there; And explain why you like this place 礼物 思路:礼物是什么?对我来说的意义是什么? Everyone could receive presents in his/her life when a special day comes. So do I. I have received many presents since I was a little girl. However, the most precious one among them is the ring which was sent by my boyfriend at my 20th birthday. At that time, we were all the students in university. You know, the students who were studying at school were not rich, but my boyfriend bought me the sliver ring with the money accumulated for a long time. Though the ring is not a diamond one, it means the pure love of my boyfriend to me. I will cherish the ring forever. 成功的经历 什么经历怎么获得成功的 What the achievement is; Why it is a great achievement; How it was accomplished; And explain how most people in your country view this achievement today. 思路: I can clearly remember the first day I got into college, I was shocked by the scene I saw. The campus was not like the ivory tower which I imagined, so I felt so disappointed. But to my surprise, many of my classmates were outstanding. Then I told myself to study hard and be successful. Every day I get up at six oclock had a long run then went to the classroom to read English . After one year, my English had a great improvement, I took part in many English speaking contest to practice my courage and way of speaking. After 2 years I got my first job as an interpreter. I was so happy and felt so achievement. 特殊场合穿的衣服 As a student, I like wearing informal clothes, such as jeans, jackets, T-shirts, boots and so on. But in the formal occasion such as interview, wedding ceremony , we should always wear formally. I would like to tell you an example about what to wear when going for an interview. The first impression is very important. People should wear formal clothes. Females can wear overskirt or suit, a silk scarf is advisable for relieving females beauty. Black leather shoes are always the best. As for male, white shirt, tie, black suit cant be more suitable. Shoes are same as females shoesblack leather shoes. And the last, be confident and always have smile on face can offer great help on the success of the interview. 季节 最喜欢的季节是什么?为什么? For seasons, I would like to talk about my favorite season----summer. As many girls, I like wearing beautiful clothes, especially the skirts. Therefore, I can wear my beautiful skirts at that time. What more, I love the food in summer, such as ice creams, cold soft drinks and so on. The most important reason is that for us students we can have a long holiday and I can relax myself well and even have a long journey. You know, I very like experiencing the different cultures and customs that are so different from the place where I live because I can know many things that I can not get from the books. 擅长做饭的人 是谁?你对他的看法是什么? Nowadays, the number of males who can cook is not large, not mention to the one who is good at cooking. As to the person who is good at cooking, I would like to talk about my father. My father is a considerate man for he always does what he can do in the family in order to reduce the burden of my mother. When he was a child, he even did not do any housework and spoiled by my grandfather and mother. However, after marrying to my mother, he was willing to cook food and even love this kind of things. Now, he can do almost every delicious food in the world, not only the traditional food in China but also the foreign food such as hamburger. I always think that my mother is the happiest person in the world because she can find a so good husband. I hope that I can find a husband like my farther in the future. 电视节目 什么节目内容是什么 In my spare time I like watching TV, hiking, surfing internet Today I would like to talk about one of the TV programs I like watching. The name of the TV program is Britains Got Talent. It is a British TV program, anybody can take part in this competition to sing and dance there. It implement promotion system, the champion will sign contract with world famous record company, which is just like American Idol .I like it not because how many musical talents the program shows to the world, but also because of most of the contestants are normal people, whom do way different work from dancing or singing. Last week, I was touched by a man named Paul, who is a mobile phone shop keeper. His outlook, we can say, a little logy and awkward. When he stepped onto the stage, all the audiences were laughing at him as well as the judges. But the moment he opened his mouth, the fabulous melody and the striking voice conquered everybody there, all the people stood up and applauded for a long time. He sang the famous opera: mecum derma. From Paul I learned that we can never judge a book by its cover, and chances always give people who are prepared. 帮助英语学习的一件事情 是什么事情?为什么帮助英语学习? Mention to the things that can help English a lot; I would like to share the experience of my first English speaking contest in university with you. It really plays a very important role in my life of learning English. You know, I am a so shy person that I can not speak aloud in the public. Because of being interested in English, I choose English as my major. However, the teacher who teaches us English told me that learning English needs speaking loudly and it was necessary for the English majors to take part in the English speaking contest. Trying to be that kind of person, I took part in the English speaking contest which was hold by my university. To my surprise, I got the first prize. From then on, I become more confident and my English level is much better than before. 建议 1.引入为什么要take others advices.(当然这里写的是别人给自己的建议,如果写你给别人的建议,就要说为什么你要给别人advice.) 2.建议的内容 3.采纳这个建议后的结果或者影响 I am an outgoing person, I like making friends and I enjoy sharing joys and pains with my friends. And also, I like ask my friends advices when I am perplex. Today I would like to talk about one advice I took from my cousin, which influenced my attitude of life. I was grown up with my cousin. 讲这个建议的内容,这个可以和上面成功,或学习英语结合一下。 After that time I changed my way of looking at the life and the world, the advice strikes me a lot. Now I am studying hard and made some achievements, which all owe to my cousins advice. Thank her a lot. 读过的一本书 什么书?内容简介及此书对我的影响。 I am the person who likes reading books at the leisure time. Now, I would like to talk about one of the books I read a month ago. The name of the book is Jane Eyre, which tells the story about a girl named Jane Eyre. Jane was a poor girl. She was treated badly by his aunt when she was a little girl and even her best friend was dead. Fortunately, she met her love, a very rich person, when she worked as a tutor and the man also loved her very much. Everything went well so that Jane thought that she could be a happy woman from then on. However, she couldnt marry to the man because he still had a mad wife whom Jane even had not known. You know, Jane was a self-respect girl, so she chosen to leave. To everyones surprise, she came

back to marry to the man at the time when he had nothing. The behavior of Jane shows that the pure love is more important than money. I am trying to become the girl like Jane. 人生的一个阶段/人生中参与的事 雕塑 1.雕塑在哪里,名字 2.它为什么被建立(1.它的历史2.建它的人) 3.我从这个雕塑中学到了什么 Today I would like to talk about a famous statue named Manneken Pis, which is a famous landmark of Brussels, Belgium. It is a small bronze fountain sculpture depicting a naked little boy urinating into the fountains basin. There are several legends behind this statue, but the most famous is the one about Duke Godfrey III of Leuven. In 1142, the troops of this two-year-old lord were battling against the troops of the sBerthouts, the lords of Grimbergen, in Ransbeke . The troops put the infant lord in a basket and hung the basket in a tree to encourage them. From there, the boy urinated on the troops of the Berthouts, who eventually lost the battle. I appreciate the little boys braveness. He is the bravest and cutest boy ever. Educational trip 什么样的?给我的影响是什么? As to the educational trip, I would like to share one with you. When I was in primary school, the activity of visiting museum in my city was held by our school. It was said that the aim was to arise the pride of the long history of our country. It was a bright day and all of the students in our class were very excited for it was rare for us to do this kind of things. There were so many antiquities of Song Dynasty in the museum, such as Bian embroider, jade stone and so on. We were all shocked by the things that were never seen before. At the same time, all of us know Song Dynasty well. Above all, it is a very meaningful activity through which we learnt more knowledge that couldnt get from the books. 学的一门外语 是什么?感受如何? As for the foreign language, I would like to talk about the one that I learnt in University. It is Japanese, my second foreign language apart from English. For me, learning Japanese is more difficult than learning English because Japanese is very familiar with Chinese, our mother tongue to some extent. Therefore, it is easy for me to make the two languages confused. Whats more, there are always many words and sentences to remember. However, I learn it by heart so that I can always get high scores in the exam. Therefore, I believe that if one really can pay more attention to the things that he learns no matter how difficult he will do a good job. 名人/伟人 这个名人是谁他/她做过什么事情得以伟大从他身上学到什么东西 Today I would like to talk about a famous person whose name is Jackie Chan. He is an action actor from Hongkong. He has made hundreds of movies, which are famous world-wide. Such as Rush Hour, Kungfu.. He made chinese kung fu more famous on the world. He is also a charitarian, he is not only donate money and items to the poor and illness area and people, but also encourage other people to join the group of charity. Third, he is very patriotic. He refused the US of let him become an American citizen and he said he will never change his nationality as well as his son. Jackie Chan is more than an actor, he is a hero of China. Friendship 1. 你朋友的名字 2.你们在一起做什么事情,分享,分担什么 3.好朋友对你来说多么重要 Friendship is one of the most important things in my life, there is a Chinese old saying: Rely on parents when you are at home, rely on friends when you are outside. Today I would like to talk about my best friend We have been good friends for 10 years. Luckily, we shared the same primary school, same middle school and even same university! We know each other a lot. We share joys and pains together. 然后讲一个你的切身例子。 She is an irrplaceble person in my life , just as my family. We have made a promise, which is to be each others matron of honor. Conversation Talk an important conversation you had in the past What is the situation Who do you talk to Why is it important to you SCIENCE when and what is it? how to do? HOW ABOUT .... what happen in the lesson? 问YOUNGSTER应不应该学SCIENCE?WHY? 男生比较适合学吗?你认为什么时候学SCIENCE比较适合? 自行车 你从小就会骑自行车吗?你们国家的自行车多不多呀?为什么小孩子喜欢自行车? Parties 你喜欢去聚会吗?你不喜欢聚会的哪些方面?你喜欢家庭聚会还是朋友聚会? 关于年龄 们国家成年的标准是什么时候?过了这个标准你可以做哪些以前不能做的?你觉得这个标准合理吗?如果你能改变什么,是想改的更早一点,还是晚一点?



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