c. A Place
f. A Desire or Plan for the Future
7. A vehicle you would like to own
15. A meal for your friends
22. Future plans
32. A planned trip
37. A small business you would like to own
43. Success
58. A country you would like to visit
g. An Experience
2. An important decision
9. An unhappy shopping experience
18. A class or course
19. An interesting or unusual thing you did recently
21. An English class activity
23. A local event
28. A time when you helped someone
29. A foreign culture
36. An interesting subject
41. A radio program
46. Some recent news
47. A positive change
59. Some advice you received
63. An occasion when your were late
64. A sports event that you enjoyed
66. A hotel
h. Speculation
5. Receiving a large sum of money
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