以下话题不分类,仍然按照出现几率高低从上至下,但出现几率不会相差太大,Dont be lazy! My dear students! Ill always root for you!
a call you received
a speech you listend to
an organization
a performance or show you saw
说一个drama 或者一场芭蕾表演,说谁表演的,多少钱票价,什么时候看的,跟谁看的,接着的内容就转移的描述演出剧目的内容!比如swan lake 或者干脆自己创造个白雪公主!
a good law
a TV program
a piece of music you listened to when you were a child
a person who you helped before
a teeanager/a child/an old man
a long journey
a toy
a useful equipment you use when you learn English
clothes in special situation
a successful experience
a person who is good at cooking
an adevertisement
a piece of interesting news
an advice
a big change in life
a library
a museum
an educational visit (有教育意义的一次拜访或参观,干脆就把museum套用进来!)
a sport event
上一篇: 雅思阅读回顾及2009年趋势预测
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