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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Work and study

  1. Do you work or study?

  2. What subject are you studying?

  3. Why did you choose this major?

  4. Do you like studying in this school?

  5. What is the most important thing in your study life?

  6. What do you plan to do after you finish your study?

  7. Do you like your major?


  1. Do you like music?

  2. Whats your favorite music?

  3. Has your preference in music changed?

  4. Is there any music you dislike?

  5. Do you play any musical instruments?

  6. If you had the chance to learn a musical instrument, which instrument would you learn?


  1. How much TV do you watch?

  2. Whats your favorite TV program?

  3. Did you watch much TV when you were a child?

  4. How much TV would you like your children to watch?

  5. What programs did you watch when you were a child?

  6. Do you still like to watch those programs?

  7. Do you think childrens television has changed since you were a child?


  1. Do you often do any cooking?

  2. Do you like cooking?

  3. What cooking experience have you had?

  4. Who taught you to cook?

  5. When you were a child, did you ever help your parents to prepare a meal?

  6. Do you think children should help their parents prepare meals?

  7. Do you think children should learn to cook?


  1. Do you like shopping?

  2. Do you spend much when you go shopping?

  3. What do you usually buy when you go shopping?

  4. Where do you go shopping?

  5. Would you like to work in a shop?

  6. Do you like buying things online?

  Weather and Climate

  1. Whats the climate like in your hometown?

  2. Would you say the weather in your hometown is generally good, or bad weather?

  3. Would you say there have been any changes in the climate in the recent past?

  Leisure Time

  1. What indoor and outdoor leisure activities do you do?

  2. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor leisure activities?

  3. Do you have any hobbies?

  4. What hobbies do you have?

  5. How do you usually spend your evenings?

  6. What did you do for recreation when you were a child?

  7. Did you play any games when you were a child?

  8.Do you think children today have the same interests that you had when you were a child?

  9. Do you think men and women do the same leisure activities?

  10. Do you like to travel in your holidays?


  1. Do you often travel by train?

  2. Do you like traveling by train?

  3. What do you usually do when traveling by train?

  4. What do you think are the benefits of traveling by train?

  5. Do you ever travel by subway?

  6. Have you ever traveled by subway?


  1. How often do you use a computer for work / study?

  2. When did you first use a computer?

  3. What are the benefits of using a computer?

  4. Do you think computers have helped improve peoples lives?

  5. Do you think there should be restrictions on the use of computers/the internet by children?




  Describe a course you learned at middle school or university or evening class.

  You should say:

  1. what the course was?

  2. What you did at school.

  3. Who taught the course?

  4. Explained what you learned from the course.



  A thing you cannot live without

  You should say?

  What is it?

  How long you have had it

  What you use for?

  Why you cannot live without this thing?



  An intelligent person you know

  Who the person is ?

  When and where you first met ?

  Explain why you think this person is intelligent?



  Describe a situation when you helped others

  1. What the situation was?

  2. Who the person was ?

  3. How you help them ?

  4. How you felt after helping them ?



  A sports event that you took part in or watched

  What the event was?

  Where it was?

  Who was competing?

  What you did during the competition

  Explained how you felt about this event?



  A famous person from your country:

  Who this person is

  How you know about this person

  Why type of work he does:

  Explain how they made an impression on your society.



  A person you enjoy talking with

  Who is he?

  How often you talk with this person?

  When you usually talk with him ?

  What topics you usually speak about?

  Explain why you enjoy speaking to him or her.?



  A park / garden you visited and that impressed you

  The name of this garden?

  Where it was?

  What it looked like?

  What people did there and explain how you felt about this garden.?



  A place that you would like to visit:

  Where it is?

  What you would do there?

  Explain why you like to visit this place?



  A subject that you want to give information to others

  What the subject is ?

  What people ask you about information about the subject ?

  What you would say ?



  A time when someone helped you

  Who the person was?

  Where and when the person helped?

  How the person helped you?

  Explain how you felt after this person helped you?



  A house or apartment you have recently visited

  Where it was ?

  When you visited it ?

  What interesting about it ?

  Explained why you visited it ?



  An interesting conversation you recently had with someone you dont know

  Who the person was?

  Where you met

  What you were talked about

  Explained why you think it was an interesting conversation



  A comic actor / cartoon character who is popular in you country

  Who the actor / character is?

  What the actor / character do in the comic / cartoon?

  How you know the actor / character ?

  Explain you like this actor / character?



  A website that you have visited

  When you visited it ?

  How you first found about this website ?

  What the website is about ?

  Why you like about this website ?


  Historic building you visited

  Where it was?

  What people do there?

  Why you went there ?




  A book that you enjoyed reading

  What the book was?

  What was in this book?

  Why you read it?

  Explain what effect the book had on you?



  A group you are part of

  Where it is?

  What the group does?

  How often you get there?

  Explain why you enjoy being part of this group?



  A person you like to spend time with

  How you first met ?

  How often you are together ?

  What personal characteristics he or she has that you like ?

  What you usually do together ?

  Explain why you like to spend time with this person?



  An event that changed your life in a good way

  When it happened

  Where it happened

  What the change was

  Explain how you benefited from this change



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