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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. An old person you respect

  2. A good parent

  3. A polite person you know

  4. A good neighbor

  5. Someone having an important job

  6. A person who became your friend on the first day you met

  7. Someone who taught you a useful skill

  8. A teenager you know

  9. A couple having a happy marriage

  10. An interesting person you know

  11. Your favorite musician/singer/music band

  12. A famous/successful person in your country

  13. A leader you admire

  14. A person in news you want to meet

  15. An interesting wild animal


  1. An interesting foreign country

  2. A city

  3. A seaside place youd like to visit

  4. A place you studies or worked in

  5. A caf

  6. A library

  7. A place you go for music

  8. A shopping street

  9. A crowded place

  10. A room you spent most of your time in

  11. A river/lake/part of sea you like

  12. A natural beauty

  13. A ancient building


  1. A book

  2. An interesting family photo

  3. A toy that was important to you in childhood

  4. A piece of Clothing you like

  5. An electronic equipment you bought for your house

  6. An important plant in your country

  7. A gift

  8. A vehicle you d like to buy

  9. Something expensive you bought

  10. A school rule

  11. A TV program or film making you laugh

  12. An advertisement making you buy something

  13. A radio program

  14. An important message you received

  15. A useful website

  16. A song that is meaningful to you

  17. Something keeping you healthy

  18. A performance you watched

  19. A childhood game you often played

  20. A story someone told you when you were a child

  21. A job youd like to try

  22. A foreign language youd like to learn


  1. An interesting historic event

  2. An outdoor activity

  3. A talk or speech you listened to

  4. A change you made recently

  5. A perfect holiday

  6. A trip by public transport

  7. A situation of being late

  8. A home visit at your home

  9. A special meal

  10. A picnic you took part in

  11. A party youd like to throw

  12. A happy event taking place recently

  13. A situation you helped someone/someone who helped you

  14. A science class

  15. A math lesson/something important you learned from a math lesson

  16. A wedding you took part in

  17. A sport event

  18. Bad weather you experienced



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