任务导航:分值占总分的三分之一,时间20分钟,至少150字,要想获得高分,需要写200字左右,书信写作完全由考生虚拟情节,不仅要求考生具备相当的英语语言能力,还要求考生有一定的生活阅历。书信包括:道歉信、邀请信、求职信、投诉信、感谢信、询问信等。 投诉信:这类书信要求考生对所抱怨的情况进行投诉,表达我的不满并提出要求。 高分秘笈: 思路清晰、语料丰富、书写迅速 。 ① Your neighbor always burns rubbish in the garden, causing environmental problems. Write a letter to the residents committee. You should express your complaint, describe the effect, and suggest how to solve the problem. ② Several days ago, you bought a CD player at a department store. Today you are surprised to find that it is out of order. Now write a letter to the management of the store and ask them to replace it with a new one. ③ Your neighbor has two dogs and they cause you great trouble every day. Write a letter to the residents committee to complain about it. 询问信:这类书信的写作目的是寻求我所需的信息。 写作思路:信息来源,表明兴趣,写信意图,写信背景,就题论事,希望早日收到回复,感谢帮助。 ① You learn from a newspaper that there will be an exhibition this Sunday. Write a letter to get more information about it. ② You decide to hold a picnic at park. Write a letter to the manager of the park to inquire about how to rent the place for your picnic. ③ There is private sports club, and you would like to join it. Now write a letter to ask how you can become a member of the club. 感谢信:由于在某地得到收信人的帮助,我写作向对方表示感谢。信中叙事要具体;主要过程要清楚,态度要热情,结尾要再次表示感谢。 ① You stayed in a hospital due to illness and received professional care and treatment. After returning home, write a letter to express your appreciation of the professional service of the doctors and nurses. ② You took a short training course in New Zealand and Stayed at a friends home. Now you have arrived home and you find that you felt your laptop there. Write a letter to thank them for their hospitality and ask him/her to send you the laptop by mail. ③ You were invited by a local friend to have a picnic and you enjoyed a lot. Now write a latter to express you appreciation 求职信:何时何地从何媒体知道了该消息,个人兴趣,写信目的,介绍个人教育背景,工作经历,爱好性格等。希望给予面试的机会。 ① A company is recruiting some workers. Write a letter of application. ② A tourist agency is recruiting a tourist guide. Now write a letter to apply for. ③ There are some vacancies available in a school. Now write a letter to apply for. 薛鹏老师寄语:移民类的大作文区别于留学类的大作文,但是也有很多题目的交集,比如国际游;单一还是多元职业选择;古老建筑保护,儿童看电视的利弊;人口老龄化等等。但是移民考试类的历来重点集中在儿童教育;电视利弊;女性话题;健康话题;工作话题等,备考的童鞋务必先准备好这些题目的观点句。如果时间紧迫,请先练习第4,8,14,18,20题,祝福考生梦想成真,博取高分。 1. Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree? 计算机对于孩子的利弊影响? 思路拓展:利好的展开:计算机可以辅助教育;计算机丰富了孩子们的娱乐;计算机对于孩子来说是获得信息的源泉。弊端的展开:长期使用计算机有害健康,懒惰,久坐,肥胖。计算机过度使用耽误学习。网络中的有害信息毒害年轻人的心灵,诱发暴力冲动,误导人生观。 2. Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Describes the skills a person needs to be a good parent. 该不该教孩子们如何做好的父母,做好父母的技能是什么? 思路拓展:让步反驳:做好父母不是学校教授的,舐犊情深,为人父母,自然关爱子女,每人对于教育孩子的理念也是不同的。小鹏哥已为人父,何为好父母,赚钱的技能,为孩子赢得未来的物质保障。好父母还有懂得教育的技巧,耐心教授孩子们明辨是非,行为规范,守法意识,爱国情怀 3. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject. Do you agree or disagree. 大学学科的招生比例是否应该相等? 思路拓展:大学男生女招生比例不可能相等,文科类自然女生多,理科类自然男生多,男性女性优势不同,梦想不同,专业选择不可能人数相等,例证展开 4. In some countries, children start school at the age of seven in order to strengthen their relation with their parents, but in other countries, children can begin their school at the age of four. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of starting school at an early age. 孩子是7岁上学好还是4岁上学好? 思路拓展:孩子还是7岁上学好,早慧早衰,提前上学违背自然规律,4岁的孩子应该有自己的童趣和自由。7岁上学,孩子们的学习能力和天赋才能被充分开发 5. Do children learn more quickly than adults 孩子比大人学的快吗? 思路拓展:分类谈论,记忆类课程孩子学习快,理解类技能成人学习快 6. Some people think that in the process of city construction, it is necessary to knock down the old buildings and replace then with new ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 是否应该拆除古老建筑? 思路拓展:让步段:古老建筑年久失修;占用了宝贵的土地资源;不能满足人口膨胀和住房短期的需求。古老建筑和城市的发展不协调;不符合现代人的审美。反驳段:保护古建筑就是保护文化遗产:古老建筑是历史的见证;提供了和过去具体的联系,如果拆除古老建筑,人类的历史就是一团迷雾古老建筑是城市景色一部分,可以开发旅游景区,增加旅游收入,增强城市的文化底蕴;提高城市的美誉度。 推荐理由:建筑话题已经遗漏了太久,写过该题目,政府是否应该具备体育比赛融会贯通。 7. Some young students like to see violent films nowadays. What do you think of the effects of violent films people, especially children.为何要控制影视中的暴力信息;应不应该对于影视中犯罪细节描述加以限制 思路拓展:支持传媒审查,犯罪类细节成为教唆犯罪的工具,暴力信息误导孩子们的人生观,诱发他们的暴力冲动,导致校园欺凌 8. Why is it difficult to stay fit and healthy nowadays? Can you think of some solutions to deal with the problems? 人们为何不健康,如何保持健康 思路拓展:不健康的理由:工作学习压力大:饮食不健康;缺乏体育锻炼。解决策略:劳逸结合,积极锻炼,均衡饮食,减少使用科技产品 9. A balanced dirt, or eating balanced meals, is the key to a healthy life. To what extent to you agree or disagree with this statement? 是否认同均衡的饮食是健康方式的关键? 思路拓展:让步段:均衡饮食是人们保持健康的方式之一,远离快餐类,海鲜类,烧烤类食品。反驳段:健康的方式还有减少使用科技产品,积极锻炼,劳逸结合。 10. Children are becoming lazy, fat, and unsociable. Give your possible reasons and suggestions to prevent it? 儿童变得懒惰,肥胖,不善于社交,原因何在,如何解决? 思路拓展:原因分析:科技产品的影响,长期沉迷电视网络,年轻人会懒惰,久坐。长期使用科技产品和人交流,人在现实生活中变得社交方面力不从心。解决策略:积极锻炼;减少使用科技产品;多吃更多的水果蔬菜等。 11. Nowadays since the international tourism has a negative effort on local history to a certain extent, some people argue that international tourism should be controlled and lessened. To what extent do you agree with the opinion? 有人认为应该限制和减少国际游,是否认同? 思路拓展:利好的展开:增加旅游收入;加强国际交流,增进文化了解。弊端的展开:文化侵略,尤其是语言文化侵略,很多少数民族语言在被强势语言同化掉。国际游带来环境污染犯罪增加等问题。 12. Today some people have to work away from their families. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Give your opinion? 离家工作的利弊? 思路拓展:利好的展开:更多的个人发展机会,丰富的人生阅历以及持久的新鲜感。弊端的展开:家庭关系的疏远,情感的孤独。 13. The adolescents spend 14 hours watching TV every week while only 6 hours with their family members, which affect the relationship in the family. Do you agree or disagree? 儿童看电视是否疏远人际关系? 思路拓展:电视确实疏远了家庭关系,看电视的时间多,和家人交流的时间少。因此,父母应该创造家庭聚餐和家庭旅行的机会,带着孩子们运动以及户外运动,这些可以增强家庭纽带。 14. Some museums charge visitors for admission while others are free. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 博物馆是否应该向游客免费开放? 思路拓展:大学英语6级题目。作家立场:博物馆可以在特殊的节日免费开放,博物馆免费开放,人满为患,增加了管理负担。博物馆免费开放,维修成本增加。博物馆免费开放,员工的工资无法保障。 15. The one who do not know how to use computer become more and more disadvantageous. Show the disadvantages and what action should government take? 不会使用电脑的弊端,如何让人们学习使用电脑机? 思路拓展:弊端的展开:无法获得及时的信息;缺乏娱乐的源泉;缺少了有效学习的工具。解决策略:参加培训课程,主动学习;请电脑高手指导。 16. Some people think that young children benefit from going to the nursery school before starting primary school. Others think it is better for the young children to stay all day with their families. Discuss both views and give your opinion? 孩子上托儿所好还是在呆在家里好? 思路拓展:孩子呆在家里的利好:增强亲情纽带,可以受到更好的照顾。孩子去托儿所的利好:获得群体性的成长经验,孩子变得独立坚强,父母有精力经营事业。 17. Some people think young people are suitable for learning foreign languages. Others believe that adults are more suitable. Discuss and give your opinion? 谁学习语言更有优势? 思路拓展:孩子在语言记忆,模仿方面有优势;成人在语言理解运用方面有优势。 18. Some people prefer to be self-employed, while others like to work for a company or an institution. Discuss both views and give your opinion? 在家办公和在公司工作哪种方式好? 思路拓展:支持办公室办公:来着员工的限制和集体工作氛围激发工作热情,相反,在家里工作或产生职业倦怠。办公室办公提高工作效率,有问题及时沟通解决。办公室办公有助于建立良好的人脉资源。支持远程办公:提高了工作的灵活性,节省了往返的时间,适应特殊的工作群体。 19. Parents, usually mothers, give up work and choose to stay home to look after families. Some people think young people government should give them salary. Do you agree or disagree? 政府是否应该给在家工作的人发工资? 思路拓展:政府不应该给家长经济援助:增加了政府的经济负担,政府有很多民生问题如教育,住房,医疗等有待解决。给父母开资会使父母产生依赖感和惰性,失去主动赚钱的能力。 20. Many women now do work which is traditionally done by men. Why do you think this change happened and what is your opinion? 现在,很多女性在做传统男性的工作,原因何在,你的立场? 思路拓展:观念转变,男性主导的职业很多女性渴望尝试,例如军警行业。女性参与到传统男性主导的事业中来可以发挥女性的优势,比如细腻耐心等。 Some people are making new friends by using socializing network websites and internet chat rooms. Some people say that this is a good thing. Other people say that people should make new friends by face-to-face chat. Discuss these views and give your own opinion?
下一篇: 2015年1月26日雅思口语预测完整版