A wild animal,a fairytale character ;a person you want to see in news ;an adventurous person=A friend of yours who tends to be leader=an oldest family member=
A good friend/neighbor=a teacher you want to meet in the future;,
A host=
A foreign celebrity; A child=
A family but not yours,
A great cook =
two family members
B Objects
A kind of western food you want to try ; A piece of clothing you wore on a special occasion =a kind of clothing you like to wear ; A vehicle you want to have ; A piece of electronic equipment=
A photo, A gift you received from others=
An expensive thing you bought;
C Events
a thing made you angry=a trip which was longer than you had expected; a competition you watched or participated in;
A wedding you attended;
A sports match;
A day off study/work =A project you did with others=An interesting thing or unusual thing you did recently=A happy family event=An celebration for something=a successful thing you want to do in the future
A thing your friend did that made you admire=An important conversation over the phone=A walk you had with your friend=
A visit you got;
A public event=a musical event;
A science course you took=
A thing you did which was good to the environment
A healthy lifestyle=An outdoor activity;
a skill you want to learn
D places
a work place ; A historical place/building ; a place you want to go travelling=A park or a garden=A leisure center/place/street=
A season you love=A city you have been to=your dream house=
a peaceful place that features water; a successful small company A shop/store/restaurant=a room you loved in your childhood
E Media
a personality you have; A new law in China;Your ideal job=a job can make the world better A piece of interesting news; A TV program=An educational TV program , A quiz show,
A film,
An advertisement; A song you love