A person in news you want to meet 一个你想见的资讯人物
A person you want to travel with一起旅游的人
A person with healthy lifestyle 一个生活健康的人
A neighbor 一个邻居
An ideal house一所理想的房子
A room you like when you were a child 小时候喜欢的屋子
A garden 一个花园
A peaceful place you often go 你经常去的安静的地方
A street in your city 你城市的一条街道
A successful small company 成功的小公司
A foreign movie you like 一个喜欢的外国电影
A vehicle you want to buy 一辆你想买的车
A kind of clothes you like你喜欢的衣服类型
Your personality and characteristics 你的性格中好的部分
A kind of book do you usually read 你喜欢看的书类型
A song that reminds you of your childhood 让你想起童年的歌
A family event 一次家庭事件
An experience that you helped other people 一次帮助别人的经历
A musical event you attended or saw on TV 参加过的或者电视上看过的音乐事件
A healthy lifestyle 一种健康的生活方式
Something you want to learn 你想要学的东西
A conversation over the phone 电话中的对话
A job will make the world better 一份让世界变得更好的工作
How to spend one day off 如何度过休息的一天
Something you would like to succeed in doing 你想要做成功的事
A sport competition 一次体育竞赛