Task 1 Line Graph The line graph below shows the sales of childrens books, educational books and adult fiction from 2002 to 2006 in a European country. 点评:这篇小作文为三线,在线状图中三线中主要考察的是学生对于上升、下降的趋势描写,考生在应对此类题型的时候应该注意对于表达的多样性替换。如遇到四线或者五线,请注意相同趋势线的描述。 Task 2: Argumentative essay In some countries, the aged people are considered of great value. While others believe the youth is more important. Please discuss the both sides and give your own opinion. 点评:这篇作文属于双边式议论文,文章的主题是老龄化与年轻人教育。其实大家仔细观察会发现这个题目属于Ageing Problem 的套系,属于retirement age利弊分析的同源题,其中老人的价值相当于延迟退休,而年轻人的价值可以对应到提早退休。
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