Section 1 场景:Shopping 题型:Completion 详细说明:儿子给父亲买轮椅 1. Greenwood Garden2. Sports Center3. 9 am---4.30 pm 4. Sunday Monday5. stair lift6. wall wheel 7. armchair8. 2 hours9. 6 weeks10. personal alarm Section 2 场景:Visiting 题型:Map / Matching / Multiple Choices 详细说明:leisure centre的地图,选各种场地的位子,然后选哪两个项目的新会员有折扣,以及新会员送哪两样东西 地图中有gym, spa, massage room等 具体题目不详 Section 3 场景:Discussion 题型:Completion 详细说明:讨论教学研究法中的观察法 21. Professional Learning22. in-class simulation23. presenting results 24. behaviors25. diaries26. video recording 27. interview28. Internet29. assessment30. 不详 Section 4 场景:Lecture 题型:Completion / Matching 详细说明:超市货品摆放布局 31. manage the traffic flow32. rush33. random organization 34. less cost-effective35. need more time to select products36. smaller areas 37. E quieter place:products need to think about38. F end of aisle:slow-move products 39. A middle of shelves:expensive products40. B near the entrance:profitable products 以上就是2011年8月25日雅思听力机经的全部内容,对于这次考试的机经版本,场景,题型和详细内容都进行了详细的说明,这次的雅思听力考题场景三旧一新,难度中等。大家在备考自己的雅思听力考试的时候,可以适当的借鉴一下。
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