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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  今天13点50的      第一部分问了几个关于幸福的问题 还有是不是悲伤地都是坏的事情      第二部分是关于一个enjoyable的通过电话的对话      WHO SPEAK TO      多长时间交流一次      都讲些什么考试大-中国教育考试门户网站      第三部分是说手机在你们国家有多普遍      每个人都有手机吗?      为什么现代人越来越习惯用手机打电话---主要原因      比较一下老年人跟青年人在有手机上有什么不同      上海华师大 8月13号下午3:40 408      part 1:major,concerts      part 2:a friend a good leader      part 3 : in your family who makes decision      公司管理模式      manager 重要 还是staff 重要      做决策应该是manager 还是employee      大家加油      首师大13号下午3点...RM12      part1: hometown, outdoor activities, flower      part2: ideal house      part3: difference between rural and urban house?      the style of house will be change in the future?      difference between old and recent house?      北京语言大学13号下午,逸夫RM309      part1: 1. Are you working or studing?      what is your major?      what do you find interesteding in your major?      2. When was the last time you sent gift?      Do you think it is difficult to send a gift?      3. What kind of things do you collect?      How do people collect things?      what purpose do people collect thing for?      part2: What will you change in your lifestyle to keep fit and healthy?      You should say:      1. What will you change in your lifestyle?      2. What will help you to change your lifestyle?      3. How is that easy or difficult for you?      part3: 1. What kinds of activities do people usually do to keep fit in China?      What kinds of people usually do exercise in China?      Do people exercise indoor or outdoor?      2. What kind of food do people eat to keep healthy?      Do your think food now is more healthy than the past?      大概是这些,我本来进场就晚,还提前3分钟出来了,回答得很菜,就两三句,中间在Part2还卡壳了,唉...      8.13首师RM06 16:55      P1:hometown;outdoor activity;city;animal;wildlife;pets;      P2:decribe a popular lerisure center in your area      you should say:      what this lerisure center is      where is it      what you do in this      explain why you think this place is popular      P3:最喜欢在lerisure center做什么      现在人们经常去运动嘛      为什么lerisure center popular      什么sports is popular in children      在一起工作的是否应该share sports      什么sports比较重要 为什么:我好像答到了team sport,就为为什么team sport 比较重要      大家加油吧!!




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