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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  石家庄      口语话题:      part1:where is your hometown?      are you a student ? what is your major in university? how important dou you think your major is?      how did you learn English?      what sports did you do in your childhood? did you like it?      do you think that boys and grils like to play the same sports?      part2: descirbe an advertisement      part3: do you agree with that there are too many advertisements today?      where do you most often see ADs?      what kind of media do you think reach most people?      总结:口语考试成绩取决于两大因素:平日积累打下的基础和遇到什么样的考官(运气)~~      不论结果如何,我终要感激我的考官,感恩于他的鼓励与友善~~      考点 AU100      part1      where is your hometown      what is your hometown famous for      did you learn a lot about your hometowns history      what sports did you do in your childhood      do you like sports      what is difference between boys and girls in doing sports      do you like visiting museums      when is the last time you visit the museum      do you think it is a good idea that museums sell goods to visitors      part2      describe a most successful person you know      -who he/she is      -what does he/she do      -how do you know him/her      why do you think he/she is successful      可能时间没讲够 又问了两个问题      do you want to be as successful as him?why?      part3      what is your opinion of successful? what does success mean?      what kind of personality and achievements of a person are admired in your country?      do you think it is important to set a role models to children?      part3 讲来讲去就是成功,模范之类的问题 都好类似。。。。      最后一个问题他解释了好久 终于明白了。。。。你能从不同国家的成功模范身上看到那个国家的什么吗?



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