

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  口语,澳洲地区,阿德莱德      hometown, daily life, Part 2: Describe a member of your family who you admire      Part 3:Different between extended family and samall family      how to keep the relationship with family      what different between the relationship with grandparents and with parents      写作:垃圾食品对健康有很大的危害,有人认为教育是关键,其他人认为教育不起作用,讨论一下两个观点给出你的opion      澳洲。      speaking test part 1: what do u like most of ur hometown.      what do u normally do at ur free time.      what color do u like most?      what is the favourite color in ur country.      speaking test part 2: talk about a place u visited that helped u learn about the past.      where was it.      why did u visit it.      what did u see in it.      explain what did u learn about the past from it.      speaking test part 3: do you always visit historical places like museums?      what did u learn from history of ur country?      do u think it is necessary to learn international history?      what do children learn about the past at home?      national history and interational history, which one is more important?      Writing task 1: two maps show the changes of a coastal town between 1950 and 2007.      Writing task 2: scientists argree that eating junk food will cause health problems for people. some said eduation of junk food may help, others thought education is useless. discuss on both sides and give ur opinion.      希望这次阅读不要挂, 其他还好~~      大家加油~~新西兰第一部分:家乡,博物馆,航空第二部分:讲一个老师第三部分:问你政府应该扶持老师吗,怎么样的老师是好老师,老师怎么激发学生学习什么的,差不多都跟老师有关     澳洲 悉尼 UNSW考点 口语 part 1. name, majoy, how to learn a new language part 2. 描述一个你住过的hotel. part 3. 全是关于hotel和travelling的话题 问当你初次到一个新地方的时候想住什么样的hotel,希望hotel有什么设施和服务等等 考的时候一点儿也不紧张,考官很nice,不过我从1点等到5点等的我精神恍惚了,说的很慢,一边想着一边说,不会说了就冲考官笑。。。结束的时候,考官突然问我是不是很饿。。我觉得要跪了,要报名考下次了。大家加油



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