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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 1:      1. morning 2. French class 3. first 4. bring money for food ingredient 5. girls club 还是ghost 啊没听清 6. painting class 7. bring own brushes 8. Date of first class: 15th June 9. Location: J52 10. Parking: next to station      Section 2:      11. C 中间书架的后面 12. F 进门的左边 13. D右边两排长书架的中间 14. A 另一遍靠近电梯的地方 15. H 进门处右边的右边的那个东西 16. C 17. B 18. C A是train ##staff to help childcare B是have nursing care of children 19. B 忘了是什么内容了,A是persuading people buy book as more as possible 而 C是generate funding through charging people这题我不太确定 20. A B记不得了 C是the willing to read their poems published Section 3: 21. B A是inspire by an article C忘了 22. 忘了题了 23. low price of the product 24. size of content 25. fashion 26. smell 27. C verbalization 28. shopping habit 的调查方法是A interview 29. B written questionnaire 30. C verbalization Section 4: 31. C 32. C 33. telephone survey 34. case study 35. postal survey Lack the skills of 36. problem solving 37. communication 38. self-valuation 39. 我写的young graduates,但总觉得不对 40. further training Writing      小作文,四个饼图,分别描述伦敦某一年中, male employee, male self-employed, female employee, female self-employed的人每周工作0-15小时的占百分之多少,16-**小时的占百分之多少**-**小时的占百分之多少,和45小时以上的占百分之多少。      大作文 science and technology发展了,但是artists such as musicians,pianists,仍然很value 问题是: What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?      小作文是四个pie charts      两个是employees people,两个是employed people(左边两个是male 右边两个是female)      四个饼图分别有工作0-15hours 46+hours 36-45hours 还有一个16-35hours      大作文记得大概是说science和technology发展很快,可是artist,比如musicians,writter,painter还是很热门      第一篇:生态旅行      第二篇:垃圾回收      第三篇:博物馆主题公园      只记得第二篇的开头几个简答题:废铁卖给Japan,倾倒垃圾的地方是east coast,占比例最高的垃圾是paper,回收比较便宜的是steel,百分比是17%。      第三篇第一道选择问和现在的博物馆比区别在于,以前的博物馆用来做science research,所以选了C,不是开给普通大众的。呃其他的暂时都想不起来了。。。。。。      我写的倾倒垃圾的地方是western states。。。。。。。 museum theme park 的是区别越来越小 museum 要让游客自由发挥想象啥



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