听力 Section 1 一级预测 Version 08143 Section1 难度 ★☆ Section 2 新题 旅游咨询 难度 ★★☆ Section 3 新题 师生间的学术对话 难度 ★★☆ Section 4 新题 英国足球业的发展 难度 ★★☆ 阅读 (A类) Passage 1 销售洗涤用具的家族企业 难度 ★★☆ Passage 2 广告的法律效力问题 难度 ★★☆ Passage 3 生理因素与人类性格 难度 ★★★ 写作 Task 1 Bar chart internet users and non-users of different ages in Queensland, Australia, 2001. 难度 ★ Task 2 社会与环境 some people think that travelling by air is becoming cheaper and cheaper and is beneficial, other people think it has drawbacks to environment and the resources of the world. 难度 ★☆ Task 1 书信 write a letter to newspaper editor 难度 ★ Task 2 社会 in some societies more and more people choose to live on their own,what reason for this,and is it a positive or negative trend? 难度 ★
下一篇: 2010年6月5日、6日雅思口语的回忆