听力 Version 09136
section1 电话资费套餐=V070109S1
section2 垃圾回收=V08146S2
section3 course and assessment
section4 chimpanzee的行为研究
第一篇 大概城市交通吧
第二篇 香味和记忆 最近怎么考这么多这个题目 前段时间貌似考过
第三篇 plain english 判断 summary
task2 fossil fuels are the main sources in many contry, but in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy are encougaged. is it a positive or negetive development
task 1 interest in a postion in a care centre for old people, write a letter about why you interested, what are those skills you have and how and when can you start to work
task 2 some people say that there will be less international travel in the future. What do you think?
上一篇: 考场再现:2.21日G类雅思精确的回忆
下一篇: 2009年3月14日雅思听力的回忆