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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  TEST 1 PART 1 - 口语第一部分真题


  The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.




  Keeping in contact with people




  Question 1 How do you usually contact with friends [Why?] 解题要领 该题问你与朋友之间的常用沟通方式,关键是从way of communication的角度切入,并且要回答为什么选用这种方式。

满意回答(5-6分) From time to time, I like to make a call to my friends to know what has happened to them recently, because, in my opinion, this is the fastest and most efficient way of communication for modern people.

完美回答(7-8分) Unlike many young people who prefer mobile phones, I usually communicate with my close friends through letter writing as this traditional way of communication can fully express your deepest thoughts and most profound feelings. Also, it can gradually develop your writing skills and generate many creative ideas to improve your quality of life.


from time to time不时,间或 make a call打电话 prefer更喜欢

fastest and most efficient 最快最高效的 way of communication交流方式

mobile/cell phones手机 close friends密友 traditional传统的 fully express完整地表达

deepest thoughts最深层次的想法 profound feelings深刻的见解

develop writing skills提高写作技能 generate creative ideas引发创造性的思想

improve ones quality of life改善生活质量

TEST 1 Part 2 - 口语第二部分真题


  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.




  Topic Card Describe a party that you enjoyed. You should say: whose party it was and what it was celebrating where the party was held and who went to it what people did during the party and explain what you enjoyed about this party.

解题要领 该题要求你描述一次欢乐的聚会(party)。在细节方面,你必须涉及party的主人、宾客、举办的地点、人们的活动、以及欢庆的内容等。在解释部分,你必须讲述你喜欢这个party的哪些方面。

完美回答(7-8分) The party I enjoyed most was the one held by my university professor Jeff. He was one of those typical Westerners who were just crazy about parties. The party, which took place in his backyard during one of summer holidays of my college years, was essentially about barbecuing. There were at least 20 people attending the party, including many of my classmates and Jeffs family and friends. It was obvious that everyone was enjoying the party very much: some were toasting beef, lamb and chicken in the oven, some were lying on a deckchair to get tanned in the strong sunlight, some were playing card games and having arguments occasionally, and some were just talking happily about their future plans under the shade of a large oak tree. As to me, the most fascinating thing was being able to share a lot of news stories with so many people in the party and to understand their different perspectives. More enjoyably, I discovered that Jeff and I had a lot more in common than we previously thought, and we discussed a number of interesting topics and agreed with each other on most of them.


hold a party 举行聚会或酒会 typical Westerner 典型的西方人 be crazy about 对痴迷

be essentially about 主要是关于 barbecue 烧烤野餐 lie on a deckchair 躺在沙滩椅上

toast beef, lamb and chicken烤牛肉、羊肉和鸡肉 get tanned 晒成棕褐色

under the shade of 在的遮蔽下 share new stories 分享新鲜的故事

have in common 有共同之处 understand different perspectives 了解不同的观点

discuss interesting topics讨论有趣的话题 agree with sb. on sth. 同意某人某事


  TEST 1 Part 3 - 口语第三部分真题


  Discussion topics探讨话题:


  Family parties




  Question 5 What are the main reasons why people organize family parties in your country?

解题要领 该题问你们国家的人们为什么组织家庭聚会。显然,这里牵涉到文化习俗方面的东西,因为中国人和西方人举办家庭聚会的原因有很大的不同。可以尝试从一些重大节日的角度切入,特别是中秋节(Mid-Autumn Festival)、端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)、以及春节(Spring Festival)等传统节日。

完美回答(7-8分) In China, people do not organize family parties as frequently as they do in the West. The idea of having a family party is based on the custom of family reunion on certain public holidays or important festivals during the year. For example, the Mid-Autumn Festival is of such great cultural significance that every Chinese family will have a gathering or small party of some sort to celebrate it by honoring the Lunar Goddess, who is believed to have the power to bond all relatives into a closely-knit family.


organize family parties组织家庭聚会 as frequently as 和一样平凡 be based on 基于

custom 风俗,习俗 family reunion 家庭聚会 public holidays 公共假期

important festivals 重大节日 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

of great cultural significance 有重要文化意义 gathering 聚集,聚会 celebrate庆祝

honor 尊敬 the Lunar Goddess月神 have the power to 有的力量

bond into 使结合成 a closely-knit family紧密相连的家庭



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