下面是1月10号和12号两场考试的汇总,对19号和26号以及2月的考生有很大参考价值。 10-11日 12-14日
Weekends Reading Arts Name Clothing Weather
Daily routine Seasons Mobile phone Music
Housework Newspaper Park or garden TV Shopping
Transport Friends Sports
1. A person who took care of you when you were a child
2. A person who is good at his/her job
3. Teenager
4. A person you want to be similar to
5. Famous person in your country
6. Visitor to your home
7. A relative of yours
8. Interesting old person
9. School friend
1.A city youd like to travel to or live in
2.A place with a lot of water
3.A place for swimming
4.A shop
5.A music hall
6.Park or garden
1. Website
2. A saying
3. A newspaper or magazine
4. TV program
5. An electirc applaince other than computer
6. Interesting animal
7 Second foreign language
8. Clothes
9. Sports
10. A foreign film
11. A book that influenced you
1. Positve change
2. Physical activity you played as a child
3. Artistic activity in school
4. Advice
5. Family event
6. Enjoyable event
7. A business you would like to set up
8. Traditional event
9. Environmenal problem
10.A new or exciting thing
11.A time when you lost something
12. A trip
上一篇: 2009年1月15日雅思A类写作的真题