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And this, whether it is motivated by obstinacy, denial or a sober calculation of the strategic stakes in Iraq, is a good thing.
The new American commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, must report to Congress in mid-September on how his campaign is going.
Advocates of quitting say that after losing more than 3,000 soldiers and spending more than $300 billion America has already failed and should therefore depart.
So why, instead of waiting two months for the generals report, have politicians in Washington allowed the debate to take on such a frantic new character?
WHEN a war such as the one in Iraq turns bad, there is not always a particular moment that defines the point of defeat.
If anything, it has so far been a modest success.
As John McCain told the Senate this week after a visit to Iraq, the new
strategy has been an improvement on the one it replaced.
By venturing out of their bases to offer direct protection to Iraqs population, American soldiers have been able to reduce the sectarian killings in the capital.
In Diyala province American troops have moved on the city of Baquba.
In a trial widely condemned abroad as unfair, the six have been convicted of deliberately infecting hundreds of Libyan children with HIV.
Continuing to support this war has now become a near-suicidal strategy for any ambitious politician, as the principled Senator McCain has discovered to his cost.
An earthquake rocked Kashiwazaki in Japan, killing ten people.
A nuclear plant was damaged and leaked water containing radioactive compounds, raising safety concerns about Japanese facilities.
He also took steps to boost the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and his secular Fatah group in the West Bank, in the hope of weakening its Islamist rivals in Hamas, which took over the Gaza Strip last month.
What Iran is doing at Natanz is entirely illegal. It has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and says its nuclear aims are peaceful. But having spent decades deceiving nuclear inspectors, it is disbelieved even by its friends. A year ago this month Russia and China therefore joined the rest of the UN Security Council in ordering Iran to stop. It carried on regardless. The Security Council followed up with two resolutions, in December 2006 and March this year, repeating its demands and applying sanctions. The centrifuges spin defiantly on.
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