NO.1 Section4的题型及应试技巧
在Section3结束后到Section4做题之前,会有近1分钟的时间可以预览题目。首先要看的就是考题指示中的字数限制,一般是no more than three words,但是有时也会是no more than two words,甚至是only one word,一定要看清再作答,否则即使答案的内容正确,字数超标也不给分的。然后,要快速预览试题,找出题目中的关键字,根据自己的语法知识确定答案的词性,同时,根据常识判断答案可能包含的大致内容。另外,如果碰到table题,可以依照顺序原则,根据题号出现的顺序来判断试题是按照横向还是纵向发展的,并且按照表格中已有的信息来判断空格的格式和内容,如可以判断数字、时间、金额和大小写信息。想在半分钟的时间内把试题都预测完,就一定要加快预览的速度,这可以通过一些快速阅读的练习来完成。
在听音的过程中,考生要注意掌握试题的节奏,通过听一些表示前后衔接的提示词来把握原文的脉络,这些提示词包括:And, also, too, not onlybut also ;then, in addition, moreover, furthermore;however, but, while, whereas(转折关系)。另外在听题目的过程中,要注意对听到的词和题干中的字做同义联想,不要期望看到的和听到的字是一样的。在完成试题后,一定要检查单词的拼写、时态和单复数。
NO.2 Section4的常见话题
再如,在2月26日的考试中,Section4关注了男性健康的问题,提到世界范围内男性寿命比女性短,都分析了男性要延长寿命应该采取的措施,里面考察了life expectancy(预期寿命),back pain(腰疼)等场景词汇的理解,并考察了Antibiotics(抗生素)的拼写。
此外,在8月20日的Section4中考的是健康方面的recreation therapy,虽然是医疗方面的话题,但是并没有涉及专业的知识,要求学生理解的也是比较基本和常见的单词如recreation therapy, community等。
1.special gift:
What is the gift?Who give it to you?what is it for?try to compare the gift you recieved in your teenage with the gift children recieved now.and just image the gift in the future children will recieve.describe the gift u like most,an tell the reason, who give u?and u can describe the ways people send others gift.
What is the interesting bulding in you country? What is it located? what is used for? Explain why you think it is the most intereting?
what is your best friend?and how you met and what do your think the difference between adult and children making friend?tell me the way u make friends with others.and u think what people should be ur friends?
4.describe the festival in your country:
e.g:spring festival
Chinese New Eve:1.dinner;2.special programme on CCTV to welcome the CNY;
Chines New Years Day:1.visiting relatives;2.friends visiting.;
the rest of the;2.sightseeing.
describe your latest travel in detail.with whom?and the destination,it take u how long to get to the destination.describe the natrual scene.some intersting things happened during ur tavel?can u describe it for me? ur reason to travel is what?
give me some opinion on the transportation in ur the different transportation,such as between plane,train,car.can u just image the transportation in the future and describe it for me? just compare the transportation in the past and now. u like what transportation and why.
7.meaningful things:
describe the role music play in our life. what effects will take place u think to let children study an insrument?u like music or not?why?u think music play what role in ur life?describe the music u like most and tell me why?
9. clothes:
u like what clothes?the prescript on clothes when u r working?and just the prescript on clothes in school.the different between the older and younger people on clothes.
1 个人情况(城市/家庭/...)
2 关于服装(喜好/上班着装要求/学校要求/中老年人与年轻人不同之处...)
3 卡片,关于礼物(你收到的最喜欢的礼物,谁送的,是什么,为什么喜欢/人们送礼习惯...)
下一篇: 雅思听力中的观点题及其的应用