1.bite /bait/ v. 咬,叮//n. 咬,叮//2.一口[C]
[举一反三] 同
bitter n. 咬人的动物,骗子
[双语语境]The dog gave me a playful bite. 狗咬着我玩儿.
I havent had a bite all morning. 整整一上午我一口东西都没吃.
[串联记忆]They worked in biting wind and freezing cold for two days.
A. miserable B. cutting C. tolerable D. pointless
2.bitter /5bit[/ adj.1.有苦味的//2.痛苦的,厉害的
[举一反三] 派
bitterness n. 苦味,辛酸
[双语语境]Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
Defeat in the election was a bitter pill for him to swallow.
[串联记忆]They braved bitter cold of 30 degrees below zero and annihilated most of the enemy troops.
A. hard to bear B.difficult C. unbelievable D. incredible
3.bleak /bli:k/a. 1.荒凉的||2.冷酷的||3,没有希望的
[双语语境]bleak hills 荒凉的丘陵|| a bleak winter day冬天的一个阴冷的日子||The future looks bleak.前途暗淡
[串联记忆]The future of this firm will be very bleak indeed if we keep losing money.
A. bankrupt B, disgraceful C. uninviting D. distorted
4.blend /blend/ n. 混合物||v.混合,混杂
[举一反三] 同
[双语语境]WHich blend of coffee would you like? 你要哪一种混合咖啡?
Oil does not blend with water. 油水不融.
5.bolt n.螺,栓,插销//v.闩,关窗,栓住.
[举一反三] 同
[双语语境]The gate bolts on the inside.
[串联记忆]Be sure to bolt the windows before you leave the office.
A.lock B.fasten C.close D.shut
1.D booth=compartment, partition 分割
3.C bounced=bounded 弹回,rolled 滚,jerked 猛拉,fell 掉下
4.D boundaries=limits 边界,closets 壁橱 frame, 结构,tunnel 隧道
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