版本号 Section 1 版本号 场景 题型 New House-renting Completion 详细说明 一女士从某地方(有拼)搬家到悉尼,要找flat 给了一个电话: 1.work phone 从哪里搬来的: 2.Somaiton / Sonmaton / Somerton (答案众说纷纭,但是此地点会拼写的) 家里有一个小孩的年龄: 3.3 years old 要租什么样的房子: 4.flat 喜欢房子是什么朝向: 5.North 其他要求: 6.near a park 7.need a pool 愿意付的最高租金: 8.650 什么时候搬进去: 9.15th December 目前情况: 10.提了 hotel 也提了flight,哪个不详 Section 2 版本号 场景 题型 New Survival lecture Completion 详细说明 火灾预防知识讲座 11.树叶要soft 12.树不要too close 13.距离房子要10-15 metres 14.房顶不能有gaps 15.要移走rubbish 16.不能有gas 17.保证all the family(members)要有防火意识 18.记得带上radio 19.火灾多发是在October 20.volunteer的training的时间 Section 3 版本号 场景 题型 V08136 Course and study Matching / Completion / Choice 详细说明 Two students are filling out the questionnaire on their opinions on their course and school facilities 21~26.Matching题 A. Both of the students agree with the statement B. The students neither agree with nor disagree with the statement C. The students disagree with the statement 21.Enough room in the library: C 22.Library provision: C 23.Comments on whether the tutors feedback is useful: A 24.Course每一部分的教学目标完成情况: B 25.Course outlines are good: B 26.Academic support: A 27.need helpdesk services 28.更多的part-time job 29~30.多选题 Which two parts of college should be improved: B. catering facilities C. healthcare services Section 4 版本号 场景 题型 New Academic lecture Completion / Choice 详细说明 湿地保护 31.as high as sea-levels 32.depth 33.In the sea, worms and shrimps eat plants for survival 34.rice cultivation 35.选择题:选water level too high 36.选择题:选walk的地方少了什么的 37.选择题:选住房问题residence 38.选择题:不详 39.主要food;worms 40.Time of year the female laid eggs:spring