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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

.h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify }

  Part 1

  1. What is your name?

  2. What would you like to do after graduation?

  3. What is the meaning of your name?

  4. Are your working or studying?

  5. Who gave you your name?


  6. Do children read more now than before?

  7. Do you like to read newspaper?

  8. How much time do you spend in reading newspaper?

  9. When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read?

  10. What kind of book do young people like to read?

  11. When did you begin to read newspapers?

  12. How many kinds of newspapers are there in China?

  13. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?

  14. Do you think news is important in peoples life?


  15. Tell me something about your favorite art.

  16. Tell me something about your favorite music.

  17. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?

  18. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?


  19. Do you live in a flat or in a house?

  20. Do you have garden in your house?

  21. What do you have in your house?

  22. Do you have decorations in your house?

  23. What can you see outside your window?


  24. What is your favorite weather?


  25. Tell me something about your school.

  26. What would you like to do after graduation?

  27. What is your impression of your school?

  28. Do you like the teachers in your school?

  29. Do you want to be a teacher?


  30. What is the hardest part of your job?

  31. What is good about being a student?

  32. Should employers pay for overtime in the weekend?

  TV program

  33. What kind of TV program do you like?

  34. How can you get an access to English TV programs?

  35. Do you think English programs are helpful?


  36. How do people spend their holidays?

  37. Do you think its important to have a vacation? Why?


  38. Where is your hometown?

  39. Is there any changes in your hometown now?

  40. What is the best thing you have in your hometown?

  41. What is the biggest problem in your hometown?


  42. Tell me something about a happy event.

  43. Tell me something about a happy event in your family.

  44. Do you like your course?


  45. What do you think about the internet?

  46. What are the advantages of internet?


  47. How do Chinese people celebrate their birthdays?

  48. How did you celebrate your last birthday?


  49. What kind of gift do you want to give your friend?


  50. What kind of music do you like?

  51. What kind of music in your country do you like?


  52. Do you have sports?

  53. What is the importance of having a sport?

  54. What kind of physical exercise do you like?

  55. Do you like to go to gym?

  56. What kind of gym do you have near your house?


  57. What do you usually do in the evening?

  58. Do you like to go out in the evening? What do you usually do?

  59. Do you think weekends are important?


  60. Do Chinese people plant in their garden?

  61. What kind of plants do you want to have in your garden?


  62. What kind of transportation do you usually take?


  63. Would you talk to people whom you met for the first time?

  64. Why do you want to chat with other people?


  65. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

  66. Do you like to wear formal clothes?

  67. What is your opinion about wearing uniforms?

  68. Can you judge a person by their clothes their wearing?

  Household Chores

  69. What do you dislike about household chores?

  70. Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household


  71. Do you like to do housework?

  72. What kind of housework do you usually do?

  Part 23


  Describe an elderly person you respect

  Would elderly people feel bored?

  Would they live longer?

  Describe a teenager

  What are the differences between teenagers and children?

  What are the hobbies of teenagers and children respectively?

  How are they different from before?

  Do you like shopping? Why?

  Do many people go shopping? Why?

  Will celebrities or famous people affect children?

  How to raise the money-saving awareness of education?

  Does social development exert a bigger impact on the elderly people

  or teenagers?

  Describe a person who is good at his/her job

  What are the ways college can offer for students to find jobs?

  At what age do you think should people retire?

  Describe a family besides your own family

  What are the differences in the social status of men and women in a


  Who dominates the family?

  What would happen to parents after children take up a job?

  Describe a visitor

  Would you live in the hotel or in your friends house?

  Describe a kid

  What is the attitude of kids towards the elderly people

  What is the generally shared view of the elderly people towards the

  way young people are dressed?

  Describe someone you want to spend time with

  Talk about the importance of teamwork

  Describe a friend


  Describe a family event

  Talk about a wedding ceremony you have been to

  Describe a sport

  Describe a personal experience of being late

  Why do young people like being late?

  Do you think it is important to be punctual?

  Whats the difference between the conceptions of the elderly people

  and teenagers towards time?

  Do you think modern people are more stressed out than before?

  Would you forgive someone for being late?

  Describe an experience that you help others


  Describe a piece of law in your country

  Describe an important letter

  Describe a project or homework in your studies

  Describe a big organization

  Describe a gift you give to someone

  Why do people like to send gifts rather than receiving gifts?

  Describe an occupation

  Describe a film

  What are the educational and entertaining purposes of movies?

  Describe a movie you have seen before

  What do you learn from it?

  How do you think about the hi-tech part in foreign movies?

  Whats your view towards future movie development?

  Describe a magazine

  How would you obtain news?

  Describe a thing that you want to learn in the future

  How to master computer skills quickly?

  Do you someone to teach you?

  Do you use computer in your everyday life?

  How to use it?

  Why are teenagers interested in learning using computers but the

  elderly people slow in learning it?

  Describe a photograph

  Describe a game

  Describe a piece of interesting news from newspaper or TV

  Discuss the differences between newspaper and TV

  How to win readership?

  Do Chinese people often read newspaper? Why?

  What can news bring to us?

  Do you often read newspaper?

  Do you like TV news or radio news?

  Do you think there is one day that TV will be replaced by the Internet?


  Describe a book you have read before

  Why do adults read book?

  How does technology promote the style of reading?

  Describe a performance

  Should government financially assist the preservation of traditional


  Describe a physical activity

  What kind of workout do you engage in?

  Why do many people go to gym?

  Do many kids get fat because they play too much computer games?

  Why do people choose to work out in the gym?

  Should the government spend more time on building up more sports


  Are companies responsible for constructing sporting facilities for staff


  Describe an advice

  What kind of people should offer advice?

  Would you turn to someone else for help if you encounter a particular


  Describe a book

  Why do adults read books?

  How does the technology promote the style of reading?

  Describe a magazine

  What kind of information can you get from it?

  Why do you think it is interesting?

  Do you think mass media is important?

  What are the habits of reading newspaper and magazine?

  Do you think all the news is true?

  What effects will technologies bring to peoples communication style?

  Describe a foreign language you want to learn besides English

  Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?

  Why is it easy for some to learn a foreign language whereas hard for


  Would games be helpful to learning a foreign language?


  Describe a place that has water

  Why people like to work or live close to water?

  Most children begin to learn swimming when they are very young, are

  they taught by parents or not? Why? Do you think its

  necessary to learn swimming?

  In China what kind of water sports is popular, except swimming?

  What are the differences between swimming and other similar sports


  In China, does the water that people use now is different as in the


  In China, do people waste water? How to change that situation?

  Describe a tourist attraction

  Describe a place that you have studied or worked before

  What are the necessary equipments in offices?

  What are the types of letters or emails you have received before?

  Do you use emails a lot?

  What kind of workplace do you think is enjoyable?

  Which do you think is more important, colleagues or surroundings?

  Should full-time housewives be paid and by whom?

  Describe a place that makes you happy

  Do you think money will make you happy?

  Would you be unhappy without money?

  Do you think writing will make you happy?

  Describe a museum

  Describe a place you can learn arts

  What kind of arts did you learn as a kid?

  Describe a garden you have been to before

  Do kids play in the garden?

  What do you like to plant in your garden?

  Do you prefer to plant flowers or trees?

  Describe a place you can listen to music


  Describe an interesting animal

  Why do people raise pets?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?

  Why is it popular to raise pets?

  What can we use animals for?

  Describe a pet

  Why do you like him?

  Describe an endangered species



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