书信作文 书信种类 建议信 书信instruction You are a member of a sports club in an old building. Now, all the members are asked to provide suggestions to the manager of the club about the improvement of the club building. Write a letter to offer some suggestions. In your letter, you should say, 1).why the club is important to you 2). what your suggestions are 3).what benefits the members can obtain after improvement 议论文 话题类别 文化类 考题文字: Nowadays, the traditions and customs relating to the food we eat and the way we eat are changing. Why is it happening? Do you think this kind of change is positive or negative? 本次写作考试点评:小作文贴近生活,完成150字难度系数不高,学生要学会适当的imagination的能力。大作文关注文化类话题,对于考G类的考生应该不会陌生。但此次的问题模式不是常见的讨论类模式,是问题原因和讨论类的综合,所以审题和对文章结构的安排有一定难度。考生平时一定要加强brainstorming 的能力以及文章各种结构的安排。
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