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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. Restaurants

  Do you usually go out to eat or do you usually eat at home

  How often do you go to a restaurant How often?)

  Why do you go to restaurants

  What kind of restaurants do you like

  What kind of restaurants do young people in China prefer

  What do you usually do there

  What kind of foods do you like to eat in restaurants

  How restaurants have changed, over the past few years

  How do you think they will change in the future

  What skills do people need to work in a restaurant?

  2. Letters

  Do you often write letters

  Who do you usually write to and what do you write about

  What is the most difficult kind of letter to write

  Do you prefer to write letters or emails

  What role do emails play in your life

  How often do you write emails

  What kinds of emails do you most like receiving

  What are the differences between handwritten letters and emails

  Do you think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising

  3. Television and Radio

  What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio

  How are radio programs and television programs different

  What programs do you like to watch/listen to

  When do you watch TV/listen to the radio

  In China, has television/radio changed much in recent years

  How do you think TV/radio broadcasts in China could be improved

  Do you prefer TV news or news on the radio

  4. Daily Routine

  Tell me something about your daily routine.

  For you, whats the best time of day for studying

  For you, whats the best time of day for working?

  What part of the day do you like best

  If you could make one change to your daily routine, what would it be?

  If you had more free time, what would you do

  Do you get together with your fellow students/work colleagues after classes/work

  5. Travel

  Do you like to travel

  Do you think its important to travel during your holidays

  Do you think its necessary to travel in order to enjoy your holidays

  Where do you like to go

  Are holidays important Or: Do you think holidays are necessary Or: Why do we need to have holidays?



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