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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


I. Read unit 1 after the tape 跟磁带熟读unit 1

II. Spell the words根据中文意思写单词

动物_____________ 宠物_____________ 兔子_____________ 鳄鱼_____________

青蛙_____________ 老虎_____________ 狮子_____________ 绵羊_____________

鸭子_____________ 蛇_____________ 猴子_____________ 山羊_____________

熊 _____________ 熊猫_____________ 奶牛_____________ 长颈鹿 _____________

III Fill in the blanks with the correct answers选择正确的答案并写在横线上

1. _______________ is my best friend. (He, His, Him)

2. _______________ best friend is Leon. (I, My, Mine)

3. She _______________ like lions. (isn’t, don’t, doesn’t)

4. Which animal is _______________ best friend? (dog, dog’s, dogs’s)

5. She _______________ these animals very much. (like, likes, is likes)

6. He _______________ many pets. (have, has, is)

IV. Read and guess猜单词

1. Which animal is gray and small and is afraid of cat? It is______________.

2. Which animal always hops with a baby? It is______________.

3. Which animal is our best friend and help us watch the house? It is______________.

4. Which animal lives in water and is cat’s favourite food? It is______________.

5. Which animal has got white “hair” on the body? It is______________.

6. Which animal walks with no legs? It is______________.

7 Which animal can learn to talk? It is______________.

8. Which animal eats grass but gives us milk? It is______________.

9. Which animal is clever(聪明)and thin and likes to eat bananas? It is______________.


I. Read unit 2 after the tape 跟磁带熟读unit 2

II. Write the cardinal and ordinal numbers写出数字的基数词和序数词

例:1 one first 2_____________ _____________

3_____________ _____________ 4_____________ _____________

5_____________ _____________ 6_____________ _____________

7_____________ _____________ 8_____________ _____________

9_____________ _____________ 10____________ _____________

11_____________ _____________ 12_____________ _____________

III. Read and choose选择正确的答案并把答案的编号写在括号中

1. I’m in Class _______________ (Two, second), Grade _______________ (Four, Fourth).

2. Which floor do you live? I live on the _______________ floor. (three, third)

3. She is _______________ (eleven, eleventh) years old. She is No. _____________ (one, first) in her class.

4.Sam lives on the ______ floor. (12th, 12, twelve)

5. There are ______ floors in the building. (22, 22th, twenty-second)

6. She is No. ______ in the class. (1, first, 1st)

7.There are ______ floors in my building, and I live on the ______ floor. (8, 8th )

IV. Read and write 根据例子改写句子

Eg: Tom is No. 1

Tom is the first.

1. Peter is No. 2 ____________________________

2. Sam is No. 3 ____________________________

3. May is No. 4 ____________________________

4. Jane is No. 5 ____________________________

5. Nancy is No. 6 ____________________________

V. Read and fill in the blanks读短文,判断后面的句子是否符合短文内容,打√或打×

Look, this is a five storey(层)house. May lives on the third floor. Nick lives one storey above May. Where does Paul live on? He lives on the first floor. Lucy lives between Paul and May. So Fred lives on the top.

( ) 1. Nick lives on the fourth floor.

( ) 2. Paul lives on the third floor.

( ) 3. Lucy lives on the second floor.

( ) 4. Fred lives on the fifth floor.

VI. According to the text and fill in the blanks根据上面的短文,在楼房空格处填上名字



3rd May





I. Read unit 3 after the tape 跟磁带熟读unit 3

II. Spell the words根据中文意思写词组

洗衣服______________ 看书______________ 打扫卧室______________

上床睡觉______________ 早起______________ 看报纸______________

读英语______________ 擦黑板______________ 开门______________

拍照片______________ 洗澡______________ 洗袜子______________

III. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers选择正确的答案写在横线上

1. Shall I clean the house for you?

No, _______________. (you can’t, I can’t, thanks)

2. Shall I take a picture for you?

Yes, _______________. (please, I can., you can)

3. Shall I help you find your mother?

No, thanks. ________________. (I can do it myself, I can’t)

4. Can you help me?

Yes, _______________. (of course, I can’t)

5. Shall I play with you?

Yes, _______________. (I shall, let’s play)

IV. Unscramble the sentences连词成句

1. I shall my wash socks


2. shall I something buy for you


3. we shall some carrots for them carry


4. shall I a picture take you for


V. Look and write 根据场景选择合适的话

Shall I wash my clothes?

Shall I take a picture for you?

Shall I carry the bag for you?

Shall I clean the classroom for you?









VI. Answer the questions 根据你的实际回答下列问题

1) Who is your best friend?


2) Which floor do you live on


3) Which floor does your best friend live on?


4) Shall we go home now?


5) Would you like to have a cup of tea?



I. Read unit 4 after the tape 跟磁带熟读unit 4

II.Choose the best answer 选择题

( )1.Who is your best friend?

_____ best friend is Mike.

A. I B. My C. Me

( )2.____ is the sheep’s best friend.

A. tiger B. lion C. goat

( )3. Which floor do you live on?

I live on the ____ floor.

A. five B. fifth C. 5

( )4. How many floors are there in your building?

There are ____ floors.

A. 8 B. eighth C 8th

( )5.Shall I go home now?

A. Yes, you shall B. No, thanks C. No, you can’t

( )6. Shall we go to the zoo?

A. Yes, we shall B.OK, let’s go C. It’s a zoo

( )7.Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

A. Yes, I like B. Yes, I’ love some C. Yes, I’d love to

( )8. Would you like some pasta?

A. Yes, I’d love some B. Yes, I like C.No, I don’t like

( )9. Tom is hungry. He would like ______

A. a cup of tea B. some water C. some burgers

( )10. It’s hot outside. I would like to______

A. go skating B. put on a coat C. go swimming

4. Unscramble the sentences连词成句10%

1). is your who best friend


2). shall we park to go


3). would like you play football me with


4). Tom the floor lives on 9th


5). I riding like on horse a


III. Read and answer 根据文章回答问题

I live in a tall building. I go to school by car every day. After school I often play soccer with my friends. I live on the twelfth floor. May lives one storey(层)above(在…上方). We take a lift up and down. But today, there is something wrong with the lift. We have to use the stairs. We are all very tired.

1) Where do I live?


2) How do I go to school every day?


3) Which floor do I live on?


4) Which floor does May live on?


5) Why do we have to use the stairs?



I. Read unit 5 after the tape 跟磁带熟读unit 5

II. Make sentences用所给单词造句并回答

Example: a cup of tea:

--Would you like a cup of tea?

--Yes, please.

1. a cup of coffee



2. a glass of water



3. a bottle of juice



Example: fish

--Would you like some oranges?

--Yes, I’d love some.

1. chicken



2. cheese



3. sandwich




I.跟磁带熟读UNIT 6 二十分钟


1. You go there to read books:______________

2. You go there to buy books:______________

3. You go there to see films:______________

4. You go there to have food:______________

5. You go there to play some sport:_______________

6. You go there to see many animals:_______________

7. You go there if you are sick:________________

8. You go there from Monday to Friday:________________

9. You go there to wait for a bus:______________

10. You go there to post a letter:______________


1. I go to America _____________

2. I go to the playground ____________

3. I go to Shanghai ___________

4. I go to supermarket ____________

5. I go to school ___________

6. I go to Beijing ___________

7. I go to cinema ___________

8. I go to shop ___________

9. I go to zoo ___________

10. I go to the West Lake ___________


1. ________ do you go to school?

I go there by car.



2. _____________ apples are there on the table?

There are 5.



3. _____________ do you go to supermarket?

Once a week.



4. _____________ is the toy car?

It’s 15 Yuan.




1. How do you go to school?


2. When do you get up on Sundays?


3. How often do you go to bookstore?


4. How much is your pencil-box?


5. How do you go to supermarket?


6.How do you go to park?



I.跟磁带熟读UNIT 7 20分钟


What Who Whose Where When Which Why

How How old How many How much How often How far How long

1. __________ is Tom?

He is 11 years old.

2. ___________ students are there in the classroom?

There are 15.

3. __________ are you from?

I’m from China.

4. _________ is the pencil-box?

It’s 8 Yuan.

5. _________ floor do you live on?

I live on the 19th floor.

6. ________ is it from your home?

It’s about 10 KM.

7. ________ did you go to hospital yesterday?

Because I was sick.

8. ________ do you go to Shanghai?

By train.

9. _______ do you go to school every day?

At 7:00.

10. _______ do you go to cinema?

Twice a month.

11. _______ have you been in Hangzhou?

About 4 years.

12. _______ toy car is it?

It’s Peter’s.

13. _______ is your Chinese teacher?

It’s Mr. Xu.

14. _______ do you do at home on Sundays?

I watch TV and do homework.


1. My best friend is Daisy.


2. Lucy is a nice girl.


3. Sally works in a zoo.


4. Jack lived in a small place.


5. Big Panda is never tired.


6. Mr. Smith takes a lift every day.


7. My favourite fruit is apple.


8. That is Peter’s ruler.



I.跟磁带听读UNIT 8 20分钟


watermelon: $1 CD: $2 computer: $500 milk: $1 doll: $3 football: $5

1. A: Can I help you?

B: I’d like to buy _____________. How much is ______________

A: It’s ______________.

B: Give me _______ , please.

A: Here you are.

2. A: Can I help you?

B: __________________________. _____________________________

A: It’s ______________.

B: __________________________.

A: Here you are.


1.What’s your favourite fruit?

My favourite fruit is ____________________

2. What’s your mother’s favourite fruit?

My mother’s favourite __________________

3. What’s your father’s favourite fruit?

My father’s __________________________

4. What’s your teacher’s favourite fruit?

My _________________________________

5. What’s your best friend’s favourite fruit?


IV.Let’s make fruit salad!

1. 写出你准备的水果名称

___________ _____________ ______________

___________ _____________ ______________

___________ _____________ ______________

2. 还有其他需要的吗?也写出来(物品)

___________ _____________ ______________

___________ _____________ ______________

3. 怎么做呢?用英语写出来吧

1). ___________ 2). _____________ 3). ______________

4). ___________ 5). _____________ 6). ______________

7). ___________ 8). _____________

4. 味道怎么样?给自己打个分

1. Great! ( )

2. Good! ( )

3. Not bad! ( )

4. Too bad! ( )


1. this bunch of how grapes much is


2. I’d buy a pencil like to


3. I have one can please


4. make let’s salad fruit



I.跟磁带熟读UNIT 9 二十分钟


( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. bed

( )2. A.panda B.cat C.can

( )3. A. red B. grey C. pen

( )4. A. bus B. jeep C. bag

( )5. A. door B. white C. desk


( )1.Can you spell it? A. Yes, it is.

( )2.What’s your name? B. Nice to meet you

( )3.This is LiLei. C. I’m Tom.

( )4.Is that your bike? D. Yes, I can.

( )5.What colour is your bag? E. It’s red.


( )1.想和同学一起进教室 A. Your name ,please.

( )2.想知道对方的名字 B. How are you?

( )3.介绍自己的书包是黄色的 C. Come here.

( )4.想知道对方的身体如何 D. What’s this in English..

( )5.想知道手里的东西用英语怎么讲 E. My bag is yellow.

( )6.想知道同学的文具盒是什么颜色 F. Let’s go to the classroom.

( )7.对第一次认识的朋友说 G. Nice to meet you.

( )8.提醒同学该打扫教室了 H. Time to clean the classroom.

( )9.让别人看你的新书 I. What colour is your pencil-box?

( )10.想让别人过来 J. Look at my new book.


跟磁带听读UNIT 10 20分钟


( ) 1, A . river B . eat C . worry D . stay

( ) 2, A . pear B . apple C . flower D . banana

( ) 3, A . bread B . milk C . table D . egg

( ) 4, A . one B . two C . first D . four

( ) 5, A . tell B . say C . cook D . father

( ) 6, A . third B . ninth C . eight D . twelfth


1. me________(主格) 2. country_________(复数)

3. close__________(现在分词) 4. two________(序数词)

5. go__________(过去式) 6. swim ________(现在分词)


( ) (1). Classes begin _______ 7:45 .

A. in B. on C. at D. for

( ) (2). They often help _______ .

A. I B. mine C. my D. me

( ) (3). I want _______ a map of China .

A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying

( ) (4). Do you like _______ ?

A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too

( ) (5). The man ______ a stick (手杖)is my grandpa .

A. and B. of C. with D. for

( ) (6). We usually stay _____ home ____ Saturday afternoon .

A. at…in B. at…on C. in…at D. on…on

( ) (7). A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours ?

B: No, ____ is yellow .

A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me

( ) (8). ______ any men in the room ?

A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren’t D. There isn’t

( ) (9). The bed ______ the right is yours .

A. on B. in C. at D. of

( ) (10). Look at _______ picture .

A. one B. the one C. first D. the first

( ) (11). These books are my _______ .

A. students B. students’s C. students’ D. students of

( ) (12). My parents often tell me ______ China .

A. about B. from C. for D. by

( ) (13). ______ any food in the fridge ?

A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has


1 . Look ! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .

2 . I _______ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .

3 . Do they like ________ (swim) ?

4 . Tom’s mother _______ (have) a nice jacket .

5 . Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?

6 . What can you do?

I can ________. (swim) I like _________.(swim)

7 . Did you go _______(shop) yesterday?

No, I didn’t. I ______(sing) and __________(dance) with my friends.

8 . What are you going to do this weekend?

I ____________________(climb) a mountain.

9 . How does your mother go to work?

She ______(go) to work by bike.

10 .Look! What are the boys doing?

They _________________(play) football.


1. The children like the ball . (改为一般疑问句)

______ the children ________ the ball ?

2. Are these your pens ? (重写句子,使意思与原句基本相同)

Are these ______ _________ ?

3. They get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问)

When _______ _________ get up ?


Tom and John are good friends. On Sunday they are in John's room. John's room is very clean and tidy(整洁的). There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk. On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books. Near the desk there is a bed. On the wall there is a phone of John's family.

True (T) or False (F):

( ) 1)Tom and Jane are friends.

( ) 2)John's room is clean but not tidy.

( ) 3)There are no windows in John's room.

( ) 4)There is a chair and a table in John's room.

( ) 5)A lamp and some books are on the desk.

( ) 6)There is a photo of John's family in the room.








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