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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Look on The Bright Side

  Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (1) _______ to besuccessful? Having someone around who always (2) _______ the worst isnt really a lotof (3) _______ . We all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says,INooks ( 4 ) _______ rain. But if you catch yourself thinking such things,itsimportant to do something (5) _______ it.

  You can change your view of life ,(6) _______to psychologists. It only takes a little effort ,and youll find life more rewarding as a (7) _______. Optimism,they say,is partly about self-respect and confidence but its also a more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (8) _______. Optimists are more (9) _______ to start new projects and are generally more prepared

  to take risks.

  Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (10) _______to the world. Some people are brought up to (11) _______too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything (12) _______wrong. Most optimists,on the (13 ) _______ hand, have been brought up not to (14) _______failure as the end of the worldthey just (15) _______ with their lives.


  optimistic adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的

  upbringing n. 教养,养育,抚育

  psychologist n. 心理学家

  obviously adv. 明显地,显然地

  rewarding adj. 有益的,值得的, 有报酬的

  blame v. 责备,归咎于


  1. ...catch yourself thinking such things ... :发现自己在想这样的事情

  2. ... are generally more prepared to take risks:通常更容易准备好去冒险


  1. A) counted B) expected C) felt D) waited

  2. A) worries B) cares C) fears D) doubts

  3. A) amusement B) play C) enjoyment D) fun

  4. A) so B) to C) for D) like

  5. A) with B) against C) about D) over

  6. A) judging B) according C) concerning D) following

  7. A) result B) reason C) purpose D) product

  8. A) supply B) suggest C) offer D) propose

  9. A) possible B) likely C) hopeful D) welcome

  10. A) opinion B) attitude C) view D) position

  11. A) trust B) believe C) depend D) hope

  12. A) goes B) falls C) comes D) turns

  13. A) opposite B) next C) other D) far

  14. A) regard B) respect C) suppose D) think

  15. A) get up B) get on C) get out D) get over


  1. B 看到后面的不定式,应马上想到 expect,这是常见搭配,意思是期望做某事,放在此处也符合句意,故选B。

  2. C 此句大意为若是周围有个总是往事情最坏处考虑的人,我们一定没有什么乐趣,此处

  符合逻辑的只有 worry和 fear,但 worry要与 about 搭配,故 C 为正确答案。

  3. P A, B, D 都有乐趣的意思,但口语中常和 a lot of 搭配的只有fun,意为很多乐趣。

  4. D look like 意为看起来像,看上去要 ,符合句意,为正确答案。

  5. C 此句意思为对此采取一些措施是重要的,A 与 D 搭配不当,直接被排除,B 选项

  against 容易被误选,译为采取措施来对抗它,但此处的 it 是指代前面整句话,指这个状况、

  情况、事实。我们只能针对这个情况采取措施,不能去对抗它,C 选项比较合理。

  6. B according to 固定搭配,意为根据。

  7. A as a result 是个惯用短语,表示结果,意为最后,结果,最终。整句译为只需一点儿努


  8. C 此句的含义为乐观主义也是对待生活的和它所给予的一种积极态度。只有 A与 C与句意相符,但 supply 是不及物动词,须与介词 with 搭配,故 C 选项正确。

  9. B 分析上下文意思,此处乐观主义者是更容易开始新项目,be likely to 是习惯用法,译成

  倾向于,很有可能 ,be possible to 也有这样的意思,但主语一般是 it ,故选 B。

  10. B 想要表示对...,....的看法,意见,态度,可以用 opinion about,view of ,或是 attitude to/

  towards ,根据惯用说法,B 选项最为合适。

  11. C 四个选项中只有 depend 能与 on 搭配,表示依赖于,其他三个选项均为及物动

  词,因此答案是 C。

  12. A something goes wrong 是习惯说法,意思是出毛病,弄错,发生故障,其他选项不能这样搭配。

  13. C 此处涉及的惯用说法是 on the one hand... ,on the other hand ... ,翻译成一方面,

  另一方面,C 为正确答案。

  14. A regard ... as ...是固定搭配,意为把看做,A 为正确答案,D 选项容易干扰应试者的判断,但具有把看做含义的短语应为 think of ... as ...。

  15. B 本题涉及的两个固定搭配为 get on with 和 get over with ,前者意为继续,为正确








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