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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. Her visit was a deliberate attempt to draw attention to the area.

  A. intentional B. noticeable C. sufficient D. absolute

  解释: done on purpose; intentional 故意的; 有意的; 蓄意的:

  a deliberate insult, lie, act 蓄意的侮辱, 存心编造的谎言, 故意的行为

  2. They thought his behaviour was abnormal.

  A. frightening B. bad C. repeated D. unusal

  解释:abnormal:different, esp in an undesirable way, from what is normal, ordinary or expected 反常的; 不正常的; 变态的:

  abnormal specimens, weather conditions, behaviour

  异常的样品﹑ 反常的天气﹑ 变态行为

  unusual rare or exceptional 异常的;罕有的; 异乎寻常的:

  This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain. 这种鸟很少冬季到英国来

  3. Its dangerous to overtake on a bend.

  A. skip a car B. pass a car C. reach a car D. lead

  解释:overtake: come level with and pass 追上, 超越: Its dangerous to overtake on a bend. 在转弯处超车十分危险

  4. It is advisable to practise each exercise individually before doing the whole routine.

  A. possible B. profitable C. easy D. wise

  解释:advisable:sensible and a good idea in order to achieve sth: 明智的, 可取的

  5. The detectives were beginning to solve the murder. All the pieces in the puzzle were falling neatly into place .

  A. problem B. mystery C. question D. point

  解释:puzzle:question that is difficult to understand or answer; mystery

  难题; 谜一般的事物: Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.




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