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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. All the flats in the building had the same layout.

  解释:layout n.布局,安排,设计 本大楼所有的布局都一样。

  An arrangement or a plan, especially the schematic arrangement of parts or areas: the layout of a factory; the layout of a printed circuit

  A. color B. size C. function D. arrangement

  2、 The weather was crisp and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.

  解释:crisp: pleasantly dry and cold: a crisp winter morning 干冷的,清新的

  pleasantly hard and dry脆的, 干脆的,

  A. hot  B. heavy C. fresh  D. windy

  3. The walls are made of hollow concrete blocks.

  解释:hollow:having a hole or empty space inside; not solid 空的; 中空的:

  a hollow tree, ball 中空的树,球

  A. big B. empty C. long D. now

  4、 Our aim was to update the health service, and we succeeded.

  解释:update: bring up to date; modernize 更新; 使现代化:

  update a dictionary, file, law 修订词典﹑ 档案﹑ 法律

  update production methods, computer systems 更新生产方法﹑ 计算机设备.

  A. offer   B. provide C. modernize D. fund

  5、 Her comments about men are utterly ridiculous completely.

  解释:utterly:Completely; absolutely; entirely 完全地

  A. completely B. slightly C. partly D. faintly

  6. Every week the magazine presents the profile of a well-known sports personality.

  解释:profile:brief biography of sb 人物简介

  description of sth in a newspaper article, broadcast program, etc 人物或事物之简介, 概况, 传略

  A. success B. description C. evidence D. plan

  7、 He has been granted asylum in France.

  解释:asylum:safety; refuge 安全; 庇护: A place offering protection and safety

  ask for/be granted political asylum, i.e. protection given to a political refugee by a foreign country 请求[准予]政治避难.

  A. power B. relief C. protection D. license

  8. When I heard the noise in the next room, I couldnt resist having a peep.

  解释:peep: short quick look, esp. a secret or sly one

  一瞥; 偷看; 窥视:

  have a peep through the window 隔着窗户偷看

  A. chance B. visit C. look D. try

  9、She moves from one exotic location to another.

  解释:exotic:striking or attractive because colorful or unusual

  醒目的, 吸引人的, 漂亮的:

  exotic plumage 别致的羽毛 exotic clothes 奇装异服.

  A. unusual  B. familiar  C. similar D. proper

  10. We almost ran into a Rolls-Royce that pulled out in front of us without signaling.

  解释:ran into:

  If a vehicle runs into something, it accidentally hits it or crashes into it.

   If you run into problems or difficulties, you unexpectedly begin to experience them.

   ran into: encounter, bump into

  If you run into someone, you meet them unexpectedly

  A. overtook B. hit C. passed D. found

  Overtake: pass 追上, 超越



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