所在位置: 查字典英语网 >考试英语 > 职称英语 > 职称英语单词 > 语法词汇职称英语综合类考试:语法讲义(4)


发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4 一些不用冠词的情况:  专有名词和一些不可数名词时前面通常不用。如:China is a very large country 专有名词和一些不可数名词时前面通常不用。如:China is a very large country. / Man needs air and water.

  名词前已有指示、物主或不定代词作定语时不用。如:My pen is much more expensive than yours.

  周名,月名或季节名前一般不用。如:He was born on Monday, February 18,1995. / They usually plant trees on the hills in spring.

  复数名词表示人或事物的类别时不用。如:Men are cleverer than monkeys.

  三餐饭前不用。如:We have breakfast at home and lunch at school.

  节、假日前一般不用。如:On Childrens Day the boys often get presents from their parents.

  球类名词前不用。如:The children play football on Saturday afternoons.

  城市的重要/主要建筑物名称前不用。如:They are now at Peoples Cinema.

   一些习惯用语中不用。如:⑴ at / to / from / out of / after / for school; ⑵ in / to / for / after class; ⑶in / to / out of / into bed; ⑷ after / at/ from / out of / to work; ⑸ at / to sea; ⑹ in / from / down / to town; ⑺ at / from home; ⑻ at / for / to breakfast/lunch/supper; ⑼ at night/noon/midnight; ⑽ on foot; ⑾ go to school/bed; ⑿ on top of; ⒀ in front of; ⒁ on show/display/duty/watch; ⒂ in / out of hospital; ⒃ at all; ⒄ on/in time; ⒅ at first/last/once; ⒆ in Chinese/English,etc.; ⒇ take care of



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