means headquarters
works species
aircraft Chinese headquarters
works species
aircraft Chinese
sheep fish
中国的计量单位:li, yuan, mu等
Every means has been tried out, but without satisfactory results.
4、形式上是复数的学科名称,如physics , statistics, dynamics 作单数看待;时间、距离、钞票、重量等复数,可以看作一个整体作单数处理,如:Two days is not enough for me to finish thetask.
一般用单数形式,如:a college student中的college 为单数形式。
以下名词做另一名词修饰语时要用复数形式:sport a sportsman / sale a sales department / savings a savings account / communication
a communications satellite / greeting a greetings cable
不规则名词修饰另一名词时数的变化:a woman doctor two women doctors / the Chinese womens volleyball team / a children hospital
6、family, group, police,committee, team, box, audience等词,可以是单数,也可以是复数,关键要看题目所给的提示,例如:
The whole box of matches _____ wet; I couldnt light a simple one
A. was
B. is
C. were
D. are
解题思路:这道题如果没有后半句I couldnt light a simple one,是没办法解答的。这句话提示了两点:
a simple one说明是指盒子内的一根根火柴,故答案为C.试想,如果我们把后半句改为 I had to throw it away, 那么正确答案应是A.