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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  46.die out 消失、灭亡

  However , many of these are dying out.

  47.divide... into... 把分成

  Ireland is divided into two countries.

  48.do a good deed 做件好事

  She was determined to do a good deed.

  49.do ones best 尽某人的最大努力

  The farmers do their best to supply the market with enough vegetables.

  50.do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙

  Do me the favor to turn on the light.

  51.do well 做的好

  Hes doing well in the school

  52.do wrong 做坏事、犯罪

  His family had done much wrong .

  53.dream of 向往、渴望、梦想

  Ive always dreamt of coming to China.

  54.drop in 顺便走访 某人

  Ill drop in and leave the new address.

  55.eat up 吃光、吃完

  I ate up all the food I could find in the fridge.

  56.earn ones living  谋生

  Many people earn their living by writing music.

  57.end up 结束、告终

  It is probable that one day we will end up with death

  58.fall off 跌落、下降

  The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall.

  59.fall in love with 爱上

  Two men fell in love with painting.

  60.fall over 跌倒、倒下

  The old man fell over and lay still.



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