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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1. Conversation is one of the pleasures of life.

  A) Talk

  B) Fight

  C) Debate

  D) Speech

  2. Please call him as soon as you see the message.

  A) visit

  B) phone

  C) invite

  D) ask

  3. Magnificent villas are found throughout Italy.

  A) Ancient

  B) Huge

  C) Splendid

  D) Modern

  4. Many factory workers find their jobs tiresome.

  A) difficult

  B) pointless

  C) profitable

  D) boring

  5. The police could not find a motive for the murder.

  A) reason

  B) answer

  C) excuse

  D) result

  6. They proposed to make an arrangement beforehand.

  A) stated

  B) ordered

  C) required

  D) suggested

  7. He drank a massive amount of alcohol.

  A) fearlessly

  B) silently

  C) large

  D) deliberately

  8. It will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring.

  A) delight

  B) surprise

  C) frighten

  D) scare

  9. Money is the root of all evil.

  A) cause

  B) result

  C) force

  D) basic

  10. Old people dont like to vary their habits.

  A) choose

  B) change

  C) decide

  D) reject

  11. The leaders of modern architecture have characteristically been vigorous and articulate thinkers in whose minds architectural theory is linked to ideas of social reform.

  A) defined by

  B) related to

  C) applied to

  D) reinforced by

  12. The room downstairs is very dull.

  A) beautiful

  B) bright

  C) dark

  D) gorgeous

  13. He hated his stepfather and eventually ran away from home.

  A) naturally

  B) nicely

  C) finally

  D) unwillingly

  14. Earthquakes occur frequently in Japan.

  A) spread

  B) appear

  C) break

  D) happen

  15. Summer weather of ninety degrees or more has been reported off and on in Fort Yokon, Alaska.

  A) back and forth

  B) as of late

  C) on the spot

  D) now and then




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