词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)
1 It is obvious that he will win the game.
A likely B possible C clear D probable
2 The earth moves around the sun.
A before B round C after D over
3 Did anyone call when l was out?
A everyone C nobody B someone D anybody
4 It took us a long time to mend the house.
A build B destroy C design D repair
5 I dont quite follow what she is saying.
A observe B understand C explain D describe
6 We can no longer tolerate his actions.
A put up with B accept C take D receive
7 Loud noises can be irritating.
A hateful B painful C stimulating D annoying
8 In the background was that eternal hum
A long B never-ending C boring D extensive
9 The Constitutions vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change
A imprecise B apparent C clear D easy
10Gambling is lawful in Nevada.
A enjoyable B irresistible C legal D profitable
11These are the motives for doing it
A reasons B excuses C answers D replies
12The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west
A extends B stretches C broadens D bends
13 Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.
A error B puzzle C attraction D contradiction
14 With immense relief I stopped running.
A no B little C scarce D enormous
15 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation
A maintain B improve C preserve D protect
1 C obvious:显而易见的。clear:清楚的。It is not clear whether the incident was accidental or deliberate.还不清楚这一事件是意外的还是故意的。likely,possible和probable都有可能的意思。
2 B around:周围。round也是这个意思。She has earned the respect of leaders all round the world她赢得了世界上所有领导人的尊敬。Before在以前:after在以后;over在上面。
3 D anyone和anybody都是 任何人的意思,可以互换。1wont tell anybody that
I saw you here.我不会告诉任何人我在这儿见到了你。everyone:每个人;someone:某人;nobody:没有人。
4 D mend和repair都有 修理的意思。Zhangsan repaired the roof to ensure the house is windproof.张三修理了一下房顶,使得房子不进风。build:建设;destroy:破坏;design:设计。
5 B follow此处有 理解的意思。understand:懂,理解。This book is difficult to understand.此书难懂。observe:观察;explain:解释;describe:描写。
6 A tolerate和put up with都有 忍受的意思。accept是接受,take是取,receive是收到.
7 D irritating和annoying都有 使烦恼的意思。hateful是可恨的,painful是痛苦的,stimulating是刺激的.
8 B eternal和neverending都有 永恒的意思。long是长的,boring是乏味的I found his talk rather boring.我发现他的报告相当乏味。extensive是广泛的.
9 A vague:模糊的;imprecise:不确切的,不明确的。这两个词意思相近。
apparent:清楚的。It is apparent that we have made a mistake.显然,我们犯了个错误。clear是 清楚的,easy是容易的.
10 C lawful和legal都有 合法的意思。enjoyable有有益的意思。The movie was enjoyable.该电影很有意思。irresistible是不可抵挡的.The music is irresistible这音乐太动听了。profitable:有利可图的。We had a profitable talk.我们的谈话是有益的。
ll A motive:动机。reason:理由。这两个词意思比较接近。There is no reason to doubt his word.没有理由不相信他的话。excuse:借口。answer和reply都有 回答的意思。
12 C widen和broaden都有 拓宽的意思。extend:延伸;延长。The builders Extended the road for three more miles筑路人把道路延长了三英里。stretch:延伸。
The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.森林绵延数百英里。bend:弯曲。
13 C lure:吸引。attraction:吸引。这两个词意思相近。The attraction of this house lies in its simplicity.这所房子的诱人之处在于它的简单。error:错误。puzzle:难题。contradiction:矛盾。
14 D immense和enormous都有 巨大的意思。It was an enormous disappointment.此事太令人失望了。no是没有,little是几乎没有,scarce是不足的.
15 B remedy:补救。improve:改进。这两个词意思相近。Herbal medicine can be used to improve our health.草药可用于增进我们的健康。maintain:保持。preserve:保护。protect:保护
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