所在位置: 查字典英语网 >考试英语 > 职称英语 > 职称英语单词 > 2014年职称英语综合类AB级近义词组推荐(2)


发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


protect preserve 保护

  slight a little 轻微的

  harmful damaging -- bad 有害的

  harm damage 损害

  hurt injure 伤害

  shine polish 擦亮

  deadly killing fatal 致命的

  affect influence impact 影响

  impartial fair just 公正的

  extract take out 拔出

  repair fix 修理

  physician doctor 医生

  depend on rely on be dependent on 依靠

  particularly especially 尤其, 特别

  obvious evident clear distinct 明显的

  safe secure 安全的

  ensure make sure make certain 确保

  pretty very rather fairly 相当地

  distant remote 遥远的

  important essential crucial 重要的

  branch division 部门

  company firm concern corporation enterprise 公司

  behavior conduct 行为

  steady stable 稳定的

  spare time free time 空闲时间

  accelerate speed up step up pick up 加速

  decrease reduce cut down on 减少

  deficient short 缺乏的

  delighted joyful happyglad -- pleased 高兴的

  accumulate gather collect 积聚, 积累

  speed rate 速度

  allocate assign distribute 分配

  assignment task 任务

  order direct 命令

  childish immature 不成熟的

  foolish stupid -- dull 愚蠢的

  empty vacant bare 空的

  regardless of despite in spite of不管, 不顾

  unique particular 独特的

  as a result in consequence 结果

  on purpose intentionally 故意地

  pressing urgent 紧迫的

  problem issue 问题

  view opinion viewpoint standpoint point of view notion idea 观点, 见解

  notion concept idea 概念

  characteristic feature 特征

  be characteristic of be typical of 是.所特有的

  difficult hard tough 困难的

  area field 领域

  area region 区域

  final last 最后的

  diploma certificate 证书

  pleasing satisfactory 令人满意的

  wish hope 希望

  massive extensive a mass of -- plentiful大量的

  conference meeting会议

  close intimate -- near亲密的

  link connect 连接

  explore investigate 调查

  propose suggest advise -- recommend 建议

  cater for meet satisfy 满足

  provide supply furnish 提供

  collaborate cooperate 合作

  merge unite combine join 联合, 合并

  come across run into meet 遇到

  compel force 迫使

  appealing attractive --fascinating 吸引人的

  appeal to -- tempt attract fascinate 吸引

  temptation attraction 诱惑

  instruct teach 教授

  confidential secret 秘密的

  private personal 私人的

  vanish disappear 消失

  phase stage 阶段

  pattern mode 模式, 式样

  destroy ruin 毁灭

  facilitate help assist 有助于

  manufacture make produce turn out 制造, 生产

  prior to before 在之前

  for good forever 永远

  be anxious to do ---- be eager to do--- be keen to .渴望

  consolidate strengthen 加强, 巩固

  contaminate pollute stain 污染

  depict describe 描写

  write down put down 写下

  endeavor try attempt 努力



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