It seems/looks as if
结构︰It seems/looks as if
说明︰此句型意为似乎。本句型中的 as if 子句可用以表示事实,或假设语气.
It looks as if it is going to rain.
It seems as if he knows everything.
It seems as if he knew everything, but in reality, he is as stupid as can be.
It looks as if she had just come back from outer space.
It seemed as if he had finished the work.
It seemed as if he would never finish the work.
彩票的利弊(The Lottery Does More Harm than Good)
保卫地球(Saving the Earth)
家乡或祖国变化(Great changes in China)
我的优缺点(My Strengths and Weaknesses)
音乐欣赏(Music Appreciation)
是什么让我们幸福?(What makes us Happiness?)
A letter of application
做一个可爱的上海人(To be a lovely Shanghainese)
我最喜欢的课程(My favourite lesson)
引起火灾的原因(The Cause of fire)