5. oppose,resist,withstand
oppose,resist,withstand 这组词都有 反对 之意。
The mayor opposed the buildin g of a new highway to save financial expenses of the city. 市长为了节省城市的财政开支而反对修筑新公路。
resist:抵抗、反抗、抗 有主动含义,指明显认识到某种力量的威胁或为了制止外来干扰或进攻。
Its evident that ductility is desirable property of structural materials required to resist blast. 显然韧性是建筑材料抗爆炸的一个重要的条件。
withstand: 抵抗、抗拒、经得起 指坚强地抵御住攻击、蒙受住压力或抵制住诱惑,从而暗示事物的牢固或人的勇取、坚韧等品质。
This tree can withstand both dry and wet weather and can do well on poor soil. 这种树既耐早又耐涝,并能在贫瘠的上壤上很好地生长。
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