日子、日期、年月日,星期加上早午晚; 以下皆用on.
例: on Octorber the first 1949 1949年10月1日
on February the thirteenth l893 1893年1日,加早午晚,of之前on代in
例: on the morning of 18th 18日早晨
on the evening of 4th 4日晚上
On the eve of their departure they gave a farewell banquet and their head gave a garewell speech. 他们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,他们的团长发表了告别讲话。
例:Did your supervisor like the story over the radio last night?
I heard the news over the radio. 我从收音机里听到了这一条消息。
taIk over the radio 由无线电播音
on TV 从电视里
hear something on the wireless 在无线电里听到
My brother works on an Army reclamation farm. 我哥哥在一个军垦农场工作。
The students are working on a school farm. 学生们正在校办农场劳动。
This is a farmers house on a farm. 这是农场的农舍。
Who is on duty, tody? 今天谁值日?
We go on duty at 8 a.m. 我们上午8点钟上班。