arousesexcites成列地, 持续地
at stakein danger危如累卵, 危险
attended towaited on出席者,参加者,在场者
abided byadhered to坚持, 遵守
adverseunfavorable不利的, 敌对的, 相反的
appallingdreadful令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的
anyhowanyway无论如何, 总之
achievedattained完成, 达到
account forexplain说明, 占, 解决, 得分
accused ofcharged with控告, 谴责, 非难
alleviatedlessened使易于忍受, 减轻
abide bystick to坚持, 遵守
an improveda better改善, 改进
assertedstated firmly宣称的的
abruptsudden突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的
Social Media Offers Young Voices a Platform During Uganda Election
Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Returns to Stores
Famine Threatens Parts of Sub-Saharan Africa
Fable or parable?
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending May 14
Virtual Reality Goggles May Be Next Must-Have
Group Identity May Prevent Human Stampedes
Self-Driving Cars Are Just Around the Corner
Carmakers Count on Customers’ Desire to Stay Connected
Spanish ‘Smart’ City Project Saves Time, Money
FIFA Elects New President in Bid to Clean Up Scandal-hit Image
比尔盖茨称 儿女支持其捐大部分财产给基金会
Suspense Builds Before Super Tuesday Contests in Presidential Race
Feeble or febrile-英语点津
A Sneaky Way to Put Bugs on the Menu
Plastic for 3D Printers May Become Eco-friendly
Scientists Warn AI Can Be Dangerous as Well as Helpful to Humans
Deja vu all over again
Oscar Race On for 2016
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Jan. 30
Scientists Make Progress Toward Better Diabetes Treatment, Cure
Doctors Unveil Potential New Tool to Fight Brain Cancer
Assault Allegations Aggravate EU Immigration Crisis
Central Africans in Diaspora Praise Recent CAR Elections
US Nonprofit Working to End Homelessness