10. at last ,at length ,finally ,in the end ,lastly 这几个表达,中文意思都可说成 最后、终于 但用法有所不同。
at last 经常表示历经曲折、磨难之后,往往有较浓重的感情色彩,如不耐烦、如愿等等:He has finished his speech at last. 他总算讲完了。Man has reached the moon at last.人类终于登上了月球。
At length强调时间的拖延,表示经过了好长的时间:After a long journey they arrived at length in Naples.他们经长途旅行后才终于到了那不勒斯。
finally 着重动作发生的先后顺序,不带感情色彩:They talked about it for hours, finally , they decided not to go. 他们谈了好几个小时,最后决定不去。
in the end 跟finally 相当,通常表示动作的先后次序:He tried many ways of earning a living, in the end, he became a farm worker. 他尝试过许多谋生方式,最后做了农场工人。但in the end 还有它自己特有的用法,就是用于将来的情况,这时,其他的表达都不能用:The communism will outlive the capitalim in the end. 共产主义必将胜利,资本主义必将灭亡。 前面这些表达都是结果、结局、结论。lastly则完全不同,它是个序数词性质的表达,表示最后提到的一项内容:Lastly ,let me mention the great support 1ve had from my wife. 最后,我要提一下从妻子那里得到的极大支持。
38. at once,immediately ,right away, right now 这些表达都是 立刻、马上 的意。
at once 即刻行动的味道最浓. 常见于口语:Te11 him to come to the office at once. 叫他马上来办公室。immediately 的紧迫感稍轻些,常见于书面语:They took action immediately. 他们马上采取行动。right away 是美国英语,亦作right off,常见于口语:Ill come to pick you up right away. 我马上就来接你。right now 强调此刻的行动,常见于口语:He will see you right now. 他马上就见你。
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