1、At midnight,we were aroused by a knock at the door. 【频率3次】
A.irritated B.awakened C.arisen D.annoyed
2、She was awarded a prize for the film. 【频率3次】
A.given B.rewarded C.sent D.reminded
3、Smoking will be banned in all public places here. 【频率3次】
A.forbidden B.allowed C.permitted D.promoted
4、That guy is intelligeng but a bit dull. 【频率3次】
A.strange B.special C.quiet D.boring
5、She is a highly successful teacher. 【频率3次】
A.fairly B.rather C.very D.moderately
6、We should not sacrifice environmental protections to foster economic growth. 【频率3次】
A.reduce B.promote C.realize D.give
7、There is a growing gap between the rich and the poor. 【频率3次】
A.conflict B.tension C.gulf D.confrontation
8、I am very grateful to you for your assistance. 【频率3次】
A.helpful B.hopeful C.pitiful D.thankful
9、You will be meeting her presently. 【频率3次】
A.shortly B.currently C.lately D.probably
10、Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years. 【频率3次】
A.displayed B.shown C.changed D.demonstrated
11、I have been trying to quit smoking. 【频率6次】
A.give up B.pick up C.build up D.take up
12、Relief workers were shocked by what they saw. 【频率6次】
A.moved B.touched C.surprised D.worried
13、The weather is a constant subject of conversation in Britain. 【频率6次】
A.question B.problem C.title D.topic
14、This is not typical of English,but is a feature of the Chinese language. 【频率6次】
A.particular B.characteristic C.remarkable D.idiomatic
15、It is virtually impossible to persuade him to apply for the job. 【频率6次】
A.simply B.almost C.totally D.completely
上一篇: 职称英语理工类词汇辅导之介词精讲(1)
下一篇: 职称英语考试理工类通关词汇(9)
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