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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  31. Hundreds of (数以百计的)buildings(建筑物) were wrecked by the earthquake(地震).

  A) shaken(摇动, 震动) B) fallen(倒下, 落下, 秋天, 瀑布)

  C) damaged (破坏, 损坏) D) trembled(发抖, 震动)

  31. C。 wreck在句中用作动词, 其基本词义为破坏, 因此C(破坏)是答案。


  damage destroy wreck 毁坏

  32. The use of the chemical(化学的, 化学制品) may present(造成,呈现, 出席的, 现在的, 礼物, 现在) a certain hazard to the laboratory(实验室) workers.

  A)protection(保护) B)indication (指示, 迹象)

  C) immunity (免疫性) D) danger(危险)

  32.D. hazard作为名词使用时,其基本词义为危险, 危险的事情 , 因此D是答案。


  present cause create bring about lead to 造成

  hazardous dangerous 危险的

  indicate show - reveal 显示

  be immune from (A 级) be free of 免于

  33. The leading astronomers(天文学家) of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries(世纪) were fascinated by comets(惠星).

  A) intrigued(引起兴趣, 密谋, 诡计) B) infected(传染, 感染)

  C) inconvenienced(不方便的) D) inclined( 倾向, 使认为)

  33. A. fascinate的词义单一, 其基本词义为使着迷, 因此A是答案。


  fascinate attract intrigue 吸引

  34. (B级难度)The Constitution(宪法)s vague nature(本质, 自然) has given it the flexibility(弹性, 灵活性) to be adapted(改变, 使适应) when(在...的时候) circumstances(环境) change.

  A)imprecise (不严密的, 不精确的) B) concise (简明的, 简练的)

  C)unpolished(没有打磨的, 无光泽的) D) elementary(初步的, 基础的)

  34.A. vague的基本词义为含糊的, 不清楚的, 因此A是答案。


  precise accurate exact 精确的

  polish shine 擦亮

  elementary primary 初步的,初级的

  change alter modify adapt - adjust 改变

  be adapted to be accustomed be used to适应了, 习惯了

  35. The advertising company(公司) was surprised by the adverse public(公众的) reaction to the poster(海报).

  A)delayed(延迟的) B) quick(快的, 敏捷的, 活泼的)

  C) positive (肯定的,积极的, 绝对的) D) unfavorable(不顺利的, 相反的,令人不愉快的)

  35.D. adverse的词义较单一, 其基本词义为敌对的, 相反的, 因此D是答案。


  delay put off postpone 推迟, 使延期

  quick fast rapid prompt 快的, 迅速的

  positive sure certain 肯定的, 确定的

  favorable profitable (B级) beneficial 有利的

  reaction response 反应

  surprise shock amaze astonish 使惊讶

  36. He impressed all his colleagues(同事) as a vigorous man in the prime of his career(事业,职业).

  A)hot-tempered(性子急得, 暴躁的) B) healthy(健康的, 有益于健康的)

  C) friendly (友好的) D) patient(病人, 忍耐的, 耐心的)

  36. B. Vigorous的基本词义为精力旺盛的, 健壮的, 因此B的词义与之最接近。


  career profession occupation 职业

  strike impress 留下印象

  37. (B级难度)Data(数据) from Voyager(航海者) II have presented(给...提出) astronomers(天文学家) with a puzzle about why our outermost(最外面的, 最远的) planet(行星) exists(存在).

  A) problem(问题) B) mystery(迷, 神秘的事物)

  C) question (问题) D) point(点,分数, 瞄准, 指出)

  37.B. puzzle 在句子中的词性为名词, 其作为名词的基本词义为迷, 因此B是答案。


  present gift 礼物

  present introduce 介绍

  problem question issue 问题

  38. He rolled up his trouser leg(裤腿) to exhibit his wounded(受伤的) knee(膝盖).

  A) spread(伸展,传播,蔓延) B) open(开着的, 敞开的, 营业着的, 打开, 公开)

  C) show(表示, 展示,引导, 出示) D) examine(检查,考试)

  38.C. Exhibit 在句子中用作动词, 其作为动词的基本词义为展出, 陈列, 因此C是答案。


  wound injure harm hurt 伤害

  39.(A级难度)After supper(晚餐) we usually(通常) take a stroll around(在的周围) the park(公园) for about an hour.

  A) walk (行走, 散步) B) rest(休息)

  C) bath (淋浴, 浴室) D) breath(呼吸, 气息)

  39.A.Stroll的基本含义为漫步, 闲逛, 因此A是答案。


  have a rest have a break 休息

  take a stroll take a walk 散步

  40. The parents(父母) have to(不得不) restrain their daughter(女儿) from running out into the street.

  A)disallow(不允许) B) reduce(减少)

  C) prevent (防止, 预防) D) confine(限制,界线)

  40.restrain的基本词义为制止, 因此C是答案。


  allow permit 允许

  reduce decrease cut down lessen(B级) 减少

  confine to把限制在

  He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. 他经受了一次漫长而又很难受的旅行,因为他憋在木箱里有十多个小时。

  prevent from 防止/阻止

  What prevented you from joining us last night? 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会?



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