as,because,for,since 用作连词时都可引导原因状语从句。
as: 由于、既然,语气较弱,常用来表示一些显而易见或对方都知道的原因。引导的从句可放于主句之前,也可放在主句之后。
Its very difficult for us to know what to do as we are not his parents,由于我们并非他的父母,我们很难知道究竟该做什么。
because: 因为 惟一能用于回答以why 开头的句子,此外还可用于引导复合句中的原因状语从句,置于主句之后,为了强调,也可放到主句之前。常用词组:because of因为;not because.but because 不是因为而是因为...
Because he was so fearful of making a grave error, he never prescribed anything but the smallest doses of any drug.由于他非常害怕出大的差错,他开任何药品都只开最小的剂量。
l did not criticize the acting, not because I hesitated to tell what I thought but becaue I really did not feel competent. 我没有对演技进行批评,并不是我不愿说出我的想法,而是因为我真的觉得自己不够格。
for: 因为,在同一个复合句中,for 引导的状语从句不可置于主句之前;有时从句不表示原因,而只是为主句中的结论提供推断的理由,该从句只能用for 引导,且从句前有逗号与主句隔开。
It must have rained in the night , for when I woke the next morning I saw the grass wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为第二早上我看见草是湿的。
since: 既然、鉴于的事实,语气较弱,表示理由或原因较为明显或谈话双方都有所了解。
Philip was not prepared for the question , since in fact he had not made up his mind. 菲利浦对这个问题没有准备好 (答案) ,因为他实际上还没有拿定主意。
however,whereas,while,yet 这组词都含 而、然而、却 等转折的意思。
however: 然而、可是 语气较弱, 联接也较少松弛. 因此常被用来插人句子中间。
You ask me to do the work; I am afraid_ however_ that I amnot equal to it. 你请我做这事,然而,我恐怕不能胜任。
whereas : 而、却、反之、其实 表示较为鲜明的对比或对照,语气强烈,也较正式。
After the exhausting journey, he fell ill , whereas I was only alittle tired. 令人疲惫的旅行结束后他病倒了,而我只不过稍觉疲倦罢了。
while: 而、却、虽然 表示对比,但语气较弱。 While the doctors did all they could, they couldnt save her life;the next day after the operation,she died. 虽然医生已尽其所能,但仍未救活她的命,手术第二天她就死了。
yet: 而、然而、可是,正式用语,让步转折的语气较强烈,而且多指付出了努力,却与预期结果或主观打算相违背。常用短语:and yet 然而、可是:but yet 但是还
可还是. His speech was almost unintellgible , ( and ) yet for some unknown reason I enjoyed it very much. 他的演讲虽有些莫名其妙,但不知为何我却非常愿意 (喜欢) 听。
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