自新题型公布至今,简答题共考过四次(1997年1月、1999年1月、1999年6月和2002年6月)。该题型要求考生在读懂文章的情况下,用自己的语言简短的回答出有关文章内容的问题,主要测试考生对英语的确切理解能力和用英语进行表达的能力,在考查阅读理解的基础上考查了考生的英语表达能力和概括能力。 同翻译题一样,简答题的基础依然是阅读理解,但对阅读理解的要求更高。在一定的意义上,简单题与阅读理解部分更为接近,考查的点既有细节题,也有推断题,甚至还有要考生进行总结归纳的题。但由于简答部分只有问题,而且要求考生用简练的语言进行回答(超过10个字是要扣分的),同时还要注意拼写、语法的正确,这就使得简答题要难得多。从往年的考试情况看来,这部分的得分是比较低的。如果在阅读理解中能拿到30分的话,在这个部分恐怕只能拿到5分左右。
2分 答出全部内容,语言正确;
1分 答出部分内容,语言正确;
0分 没有答对问题。
1. 语言错误扣0.5分,每题语言错误扣分不超过0.5分(标点符号和大小写错误忽略不计);
2. 涉及无关内容者扣0.5分;若答案中有互相矛盾的内容,则内容互相矛盾的部分皆不得分;
3. 整句原封不动照搬,扣0.5分;
4. 考生所给答案超过10个单词扣0.5分。
下面是2002年6月份的四级考试的简答题部分,请你先做一下,然后再对照标准的评分标准看看自己能得多少分。 Part IV Short Answer Questions
Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words .
As researchers learn more about how childrens intelligence develops, they are increasingly surprised by the power of parents. The power of the school has been replaced by the home. To begin with, all the factors which are part of intelligence the childs understanding of language, learning patterns, curiosity are established well before the child enters school at the age of six. Study after study has shown that even after school begins, childrens achievements have been far more influenced by parents than by teachers. This is particularly true about learning that is language-related. The school rather than the home is given credit for variations in achievement in subjects such as science.
In view of their power, its sad to see so many parents not making the most of their childs intelligence. Until recently parents had been warned by educators who asked them not to educate their children. Many teachers now realize that children cannot be educated only at school and parents are being asked to contribute both before and after the child enters school.
Parents have been particularly afraid to teach reading at home. Of course, children shouldnt be pushed to read by their parents, but educators have discovered that reading is best taught individually and the easiest place to do this is at home. Many four- and five-year-olds who have been shown a few letters and taught their sounds will compose single words of their own with them even before they have been taught to read.
S1. What have researchers found out about the influence of parents and the school on childrens intelligence?
S2. What do researchers conclude about childrens learning patterns?
S3. In which area may school play a more important role?
S4. Why did many parents fail to make the most of their childrens intelligence?
S5. The author suggests in the last paragraph that parents should be encouraged to ________________________________.
S1: What have researchers found out about the influence of parents and the school on childrens intelligence?
Parents have greater influence than the school.
Parents influence is greater than the schools.
1. The influence of parents is greater than that of school. (说明:下划线的词是关键,少了则扣分。)
2. The power of parents has influenced children more.
3. Parents influence children more than teachers.
4. The power of the school is replaced by parents. (与照搬没有太大的区别,但换了一下时态和home。与1.5分档的第2题相比,是不是赚了?)
5. The influence of parents is more important ^. (^表示后面可加上相应的内容,如此题中可加上than teachers)
6. The parents are more important than the school.
1. ^Far more influenced by parents than by teachers. (语法错误,无主语,无系动词)
2. The power of the school has been replaced by home. (原句照搬)
3. Researchers think that the influence of parents better than schools. (在better前少了动词is在schools前还应有that of)
4. Parents put more influence than the school on childrens intelligence.
5. Parents influenced ^more than school. (influence少了宾语)
6. Childrens intelligence is ^ influenced by parents than by teachers.
They are increasingly surprised by the power of parents. (算是答对了部分内容,给1分;原句照搬,扣0.5)
1. The childrens intelligence develops have been replaced by the home. (主语不对,谓语也用错了。)
2. The school has been replaced by their parents. (关键是主语错了,整个是没理解)
3. Parents are far more influenced than the school.
4. They are increasingly surprised by the power of two place.
5. Researchers have found out the power of them.
6. It is both important for childrens intelligence.
7. The power of the school doesnt replace by the parents.
8. The power of the home has replaced by the school.
9. They felt surprised by the power of parents than schools.
S2. What do researchers conclude about childrens learning patterns?
They are established well before the age of 6.
1. They are established well before the child enters / they enter school.
2. Childrens learning patterns are established before they enter school.
3. Childrens learning patterns are developed at the early age.
1. They are established before entering school at the age of six.
2. Children have learned pattern before 6 years old.
3. establish well before they enter school at six.
4. It was established well before entering school.
5. Theyre part of intelligence which are established before entering school.
6. They are formed at 6 before school and at home.
7. They should be taught before school and at home.
8. Parents are important to forming young childrens learning patterns.
9. it is established before school
1. Both the teacher and parents are responsible for them.
2. part of learning patterns is established before children enter school.(当时很多少都用了类似的回答,其实是没看懂原句)
3. Childrens learning from parents before six is important.
4. They should be educated before school and at home.
5. They are more influenced by parents than be teachers before schooling.
6. All the factors are established well before they enter school.
7. Childrens intelligence is established well before they enter school.(答非所问)
8. they are part of childrens intelligence.
9. They are far more influenced by parents before entering school.
10. They are concerned with intelligence.
11. children learn from their parents.
S3. In which area may school play a more important role?
Science. (这是最简练的回答)
Science subjects. (这是最正确的回答)
1. In subjects/courses such as science/teaching science.
2. School plays a more important role in science courses. (啰嗦些,但也算答到点子上了)。
3. Education in science.
4. Its given credit for variations in achievement in science subjects. (基本照抄了原句,但根据问题把主语换了一下。这是很保险的聪明做法!)
5. It is thought to be good at science subjects.
6. In science.
1. In achievement in subjects such as science. (in achievement多余)
2. Children learn language at home, science at school (未切中要害)
3. To teach the subjects such as science. (与提问不相配)
4. in other fields except language such as science (含多余信息)
5. variations in achievement in subjects such as science
6. school may play ^important role in science (在^处少了a more,太亏了)
7. teaching subjects which is not language related such as science
8. It is given credit in subjects such as science.
1. promote childrens learning in science and other skills
2. In achievement and in subjects as science
1. teaching courses which couldnt be taught be parents
2. subjects such as science and reading (矛盾)
3. There is in achievement in subjects such as science. (这个句型错误表明根本就没看懂文章,也不理解问题)
4. The science and technology knowledge.
5. In giving credit for variation in achievement in subjects like science.
6. In achievement in subjects.
7. giving students credits for variations in science
8. Credit for variations in achievement in subjects such as science
9. Offering variations in achievement in subjects such as science
S4. Why did many parents fail to make the most of their childrens intelligence?
They were told by educators not to educate their children.
2分(要点出they were warned by educators和they didnt educate their children 两信息)
1. Some/The educators warned/told/asked parents/them not to educate their/little children. (可以用warned, asked 等动词)
2. Parents/They were warned not to educate their children.
3. They had been asked/warned not to educate/teach their children. (要求用过去时或过去完成时)
Parents are warned by the educators not to educate them.
1. Many parents did not educate/hadnt educated their children at home/out of school.
2. Because they didnt realize they should educate their children also.
3. The educators warned them not to do so.
4. They were warned by educators who asked them not so.
5. Because many parents had been warned by educators.
1. Because they/these parents dont educate their children.
2. The children havent been taught at home by their parents.
3. They neglect teaching their children.
4. Because they didnt realize the importance to teach in home.
5. Because they ^ warned by educators how and what to do.
6. Their parents had been warned by educators who asked them.(矛盾的多余信息)
7. Because recently parents had been warned by educators.
8. Many parents ^ warned by educators not educating kids before school.
1. Parents are/have been afraid to teach children at home/by themselves.
2. Because they didnt discover that reading is best taught individually.
3. not educate their children
4. Many parents not making the most of their childs childrens intelligence.
5. The children cannot be educated at home by their parents.
6. Because many parents didnt make their efforts to childrens intelligence.
7. They depend on school.
8. They can be educated only at school.
9. Because they hadnt been warned to do so.
10. Because they/these parents educate their child not very well.
11. Because they didnt teach well before and after entering school.
S5. The author suggests in the last paragraph that parents should be encouraged to ________________________________.
teach reading at home
1. teach reading
2. teach the children to read
3. They should be encouraged to teach their children to read
4. teach their children how to read
1. teach children to sound and read at home(多余)
2. teach child reading at home (应该用复数)
3. teach their children to study such as reading (多余)
4. teach their children to read and write
5. teach their children reading when they are very young
6. teach reading to their children as much as possible
7. teach their children sounds of single words and teach reading
8. Parents should teaching their children reading more
9. teach reading individually and teach their children to read
10. teach their children reading at home from letters to words
11. teach their children how to read but not ^ push them
12. teach the children to read words
1. teach read show a few letters and teach their sounds
2. teach children read in an efficient way
3. teach reading with their children at home often
4. teach child reading at home before and after they enter school
5. teach their children to read before children go to school
1. teach their children individually
2. realize that the easiest place to read is at home
3. read and show a few letters
4. do some reading for their children at home
5. read for children and teach them a few letters
6. compose single words of their own
7. taught child sounds with single words before taught to read
8. they should teach their children at home by reading
9. teach children language and single words at home
10. Reading is best taught to the children
11. The author suggests that parents encourage children to read
12. let their children read by themselves at home
14. give the children early reading
15. make their child reading at home
从上面的评分标准中我们可以看出,简答题的关键是要读懂原文,回答问题中要切中要点,回答的形式还要同根据问题的形式相一致。在这里,我们尤其提醒大家,如果你没有太大的把握,不妨照抄原文, 这样至少能得一分(超过10个词)。这是评分标准的一个漏洞,在无奈的时候可以利用。
第一步 通篇略读。
1) 大致了解文章涉及内容,文章是关于哪一方面,什么内容。
2) 发现文章的中心思想和作者的基本观点态度。
3) 对文章结构脉络有基本印象,知道大致观点、例证及具体分析的位置。
第二步 照题查阅。
1. 充分理解问题,一定准确理解所问的内容,确定需要在文章中查找的对象。
2. 根据通篇略读的印象,回到文章相应部分寻找答案。
3. 在文章相关部分,应仔细阅读前后的句子。
4. 对照问题,确定答案的基本内容。
第三步 简练作答。
在基本确定了每道题的回答内容之后,就要用简练、准确的英语表达出来。在归纳、组织答案时要注意以下几点: 1.答案要与提问的方式保持一致。
2. 要避免语言错误。
3. 要善于利用原文的关键词句。
4. 注意字数。
5. 注意卷面。
第四步 仔细核对。
二、简答题实战 ()
下一篇: 名师指导英语四六级考试
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