CET4作文 1,目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2,为了让孩子独立,父母应该.. How should parents help children to be independent? This is a thought-provoking social phenomenon that parents monopolize their childrens everything. From going to university, selecting majors to hunting for a job, parents make every crucial decision for their sons and daughters. No doubt, what the parents do leads to a most serious problemchildren are badly dependent on parental help. Every morning the children wake up, but they dont know what they should do and how they could do. They lose the ability to take care of themselves, and in turn, lose the opportunity to succeed. Stop! Please. Dont keep on spoiling the children anymore, because they need independence. These are some suggestions for parents. Firstly, parents should create an independent climate for their children. Secondly, parents should try to help children maintain their independence. Finally, parents should always believe that their children have the ability to make their own decisions in their lives. Helping children towards independence will always be our businesses. 有一种爱叫做放手 徐可风评析CET4作文 一、命题 从上半年的错别字到这次的孩子独立,充分体现了命题组的最大原则反映当前社会的具有普遍意义和教育意义的现象。 我们可以看看现在大学生思想的一些活跃点: 例如富二代与贫二代之争,再比如拼爹族。这些思潮都无可避免地对青年学生的思想产生了消极的不良影响。所以这次命题组就针对这种好成绩,好能力不如有个好爸爸的不良之风,命制了弘扬靠天靠地不如靠自己的独立话题。 通过这几次的CET作文题的命题情况,文都徐可风坚持认为,明年CET的作文命题仍然会坚持以上原则。 二、范文 徐可风老师提供的这篇范文,字数在150词左右。里面有不少值得我们模仿的词和句的用法。如第一句就用到一些高级的词汇表达:thought-provoking, monopolize their childrens everything。再如最后一句在句型上采取的是非谓语动词短语作主语,而businesses这个词取的不是商业这个常用含义,而是取其主要责任,主要事务的含义。
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