12月的四级题目已经尘埃落定,此次题目非常贴近考生的生活,沿袭了四级考试贴近现实的规律。父母对子女的关爱,子女的独立性,显然是考生日常学习生活中熟悉的不能再熟悉的话题。从体裁上来看,此次题目属议论文范畴,也是四级最常考的体裁;从命题类型来看,该题目属于问题解决型,与2009年12月创建绿色校园和2008年12月的限制塑料袋使用属同一类型。 从具体写作的角度,今年的作文题目是比较容易的,属于比较容易套用模板的类型。考生如果在复习中掌握了问题解决型的模板,该题的写作将易如反掌。 How should parents help children to be independent? Recently, childrens independence has become a matter of a public concern, especially for those parents who have only one child. On the one hand, some parents take care of almost everything concerned with their children, which they believe is the best way to love them. On the other hand, children get used to depending on their parents in everything and lack of ability to solve problems on their own, which is very bad for their growth. The following ways can be adopted to change the current situation. .First of all, parents should make their children aware the importance and necessity of being independent, so as to cultivate the kids sense of independence. Secondly, parents should give their children much chance to handle their own life, to solve problems independently, and encourage them to make decisions by themselves. Thirdly, when their children are faced with difficulties and need some instructions or advices, parents should offer proper assistance. In fact, more than three ways can be adopted. As far as Im concerned, parents should help their children be independent, instead of determining everything for them. Whats more, children should be willing to improve the ability to overcome difficulties independently. I firmly believe that the one who decide childrens future is the children themselves. 当然材料的组织,实例的列举,依然取决于考生平时对英语中各类表达的积累和熟练程度。考生应在平时对相关的社会和学习问题多动脑筋思考,这样就会避免出现考试时提不出任何解决措施而无话可说的尴尬局面。
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