古今名人总结的读书方法很多。我最欣赏的是欧阳修的读书三上法和董遇的读书三余法。所谓三上上,厕上;所谓三余,是指冬者,岁之余也;夜者,日之余也;雨者,月之余也。这两种方法劝告人们读书要善于利用零星时间,做到时时可读书,处处能读书,使读书完全生活化。想想看,假如我们能用三上法和三余法来学外语,还能学不好吗? 三上法中的马上,是指在行进中也不忘读书。我们也可以做到无论走着站着都想英语、学英语、用英语。如:看到一则公益广告吸烟有害健康,你就可以在心里把它译成Smoking will do you harm.走在路上看到两个人正在交谈,你就可以用英语问自己:What are they talking about ?在街上碰到两个小孩在踢足球,你就会想:Two boys are playing football in the street.枕上,就是你在睡觉时,也可以用英语想:What have I done today ?,How many new words have I learned?厕上,也就是上厕所也不忘学英语。这时,你可以想,英语中,厕所一词有几种表达法?于是你就想到以下几种表达法:①toilet;②rest room;③WC:men s room,women s room;④lavatory;⑤wash- room等等。所谓三余概括起来就是如何利用一切零星时间来读书。我们学外语如果能把一切可以利用的零星时间都利用起来,同样可以学到很多东西。具体做法就是,把要记的短语和句子抄在小纸条上,随身携带,利用茶余饭后、等人、等车、散步等零星时间来记,反复默念或朗读。纸条的内容可以多种多样。 如果你想把阅读中碰到的一些新词汇或有意义的句子记下来,如He has firmly established himself as a world-famous psychologist .为了更好地掌握该句中的短语establish oneself as...,就可以举一些相似的例子,如:①She has firmly established herself as a famous writer.②She has firmly established herself as the richest lady in this country.等等。又如be kept busy with这个常用短语,可以通过这样一些句子来记。如:①Mary is kept quite busy with the large restaurant she is managing.②She has been kept busy with all her business relations.另外,如果你想记住某些常用短语的用法,就可以将它们记在一张纸上,利用零星时间来记。如由up一词构成的短语: look up a word;call sb.up; pick up sth.;put up with sb.;catch up with sb.等等。 另外也可以抄一些看书时碰到的精彩句子。如: Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.;Youth is not a time of life ;it is a state of mind ;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks ,red lips and supple knees ;it is a matter of the will ,a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
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