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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



   and so another importantfactor/reason as a consequence; as a result; as; because; because of; beingthat; consequently; due to; for the reason that; for the same reason; for;hence; for this reason; in consequence; in that in view of; owing to; since;so; so that the reason seems obvious; there are about therefore; thus;obviously; evidently


  and; also; as well as; both and either or neither nor not only but also in the same way; too


  first, second, third, and so forth;A, B, C, and so forth; next; then; following this; at the same time; now; atthis point; after; afterwards; subsequently; finally; previously; before this;simultaneously; concurrently; thus; therefore; hence; next; and then; soon


  accordingly; as a popular saying goesas far as is concerned; at the same time; besides; even; further; furthermore;in addition; in order to in other words; in the first place, in the secondplace in this way; meanwhile; moreover; not only, but also not butlastly; for one thing, for another


  yet; but; unless; despite that; inspite of; though; although; although this may be true; even so; even though;however; sometimes; once in a while; independent of; reckless of; regardless of


  afterwards; as soon as; at least;before; eventually; every; first; first of all; first and foremost; for astart; meanwhile; in the meantime; while; now; next; not until; later;formerly; previously; prior to; since then; since; subsequently; till; to beginwith; to start with; when; then


  as long as; even if; even though; if itnecessary; if not all; if possible; if so; if; lest; once; provided that;unless


  in brief; as I have said; as I havenoted; as has been noted; as is mentioned above


  apart from; by the same token; comparedwith; in comparison with; in the same vein; like; likewise; rather than; similarly;similarly important; equally; when compared with; when in fact


  after all; as opposed to; balancedagainst; up against; vis a vis; where; conversely; on the one hand on theother hand contrary to; conversely unlike; different from this; however; incontrast; nevertheless; on the contrary; oppose to; whereas; while


  a good example would be; for example;for instance; in this case; in another case; on this occasion; in thissituation; take the case of; to demonstrate; to illustrate; according to; as anillustration; as for; as regards; as to; in particular; including; namely;notably; such as; like; take as an example; you may say


  accordingly; altogether; as a result;consequently; hence; in one word; in brief; in short; in other words; insummary; on the whole; in conclusion; overall; the conclusion can be safelydrawn that therefore; to conclude; to sum up; summing up; as I have shown; asI have said; hence; all in all


  definitely; extremely; obviously;absolutely; positively; naturally; surprisingly; always; forever; perennially;eternally; emphatically; never; unquestionably; without a doubt; certainly;surely; undeniably; without reservation; believe it or not; especially;particularly; in particular; specifically; in fact; as a matter of fact;actually; in deed; moreover; not to mention what is more important; notably;that is;



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