talk - v. to express thoughts in spoken words; n. a meeting for discussion
tall - ad. higher than others; opposite short
tank - n. a large container for holding liquids; a heavy military vehicle with guns
target - n. any person or object aimed at or fired at
taste - v. to sense through the mouth
tax - n. the money a person or business must pay to the government so the government can provide services
tea - n. a drink made from the plant of the same name
teach - v. to show how to do something; to provide knowledge; to cause to understand
team - n. a group organized for some purpose, often for sports
tear - v. to pull apart, often by force
tears - n. the fluid that comes out of the eyes while crying
technical - ad. involving machines, processes and materials in industry, transportation and communications; of or about a very special kind of subject or thing
technology - n. the use of scientific knowledge and methods to produce goods and services telephone - n. a device or system for sending sounds, especially the voice, over distances
telescope - n. a device for making objects that are far away appear closer and larger
television - n. a device that receives electronic signals and makes them into pictures and sounds; the system of sending pictures and sounds by electronic signals over a distance so others can see and hear them on a receiver
tell - v. to give information; to make known by speaking; to order; to command
temperature - n. the measurement of heat and cold
temporary - ad. lasting only a short time
tense - ad. having fear or concern; dangerous; opposite calm
term - n. a limited period of time during which someone does a job or carries out a responsibility ; the conditions of an agreement that have been accepted by those involved in it
terrible - ad. very bad; causing terror or fear
territory - n. a large area of land
terror - n. extreme fear; that which causes great fear
terrorist - n. a person who carries out acts of extreme violence as a protest or a way to influence a government
test - v. to attempt to learn or prove what something is like or how it will act by studying or doing ; n. an attempt to learn or prove what something is like or how it will act by studying or doing ; a group of questions or problems used to find out a persons knowledge
than - conj. connecting word used to link things that may be similar, but are not equal
thank - v. to say that one has a good feeling toward another because that person did something kind
that - ad. showing the person, place or thing being spoken about ; pro. the person, place or thing being spoken about
the - pro. used in front of a name word to show that it is a person or thing that is known about or is being spoken about
theater - n. a place where movies are shown or plays are performed
them - pro. other people being spoken about
then - ad. at that time; existing; and so
theory - n. a possible explanation of why something exists or how something happens using experiments or ideas, but which is not yet proven
there - ad. in that place or position; to or toward that place
these - pro. of or about the people, places or things nearby that have been spoken about already
they - pro. those ones being spoken about
thick - ad. having a large distance between two opposite surfaces ; having many parts close together ; almost solid, such as a liquid that does not flow easily; opposite thin
thin - ad. having a small distance between two opposite surfaces; not fat; not wide; opposite thick
thing - n. any object
think - v. to produce thoughts; to form ideas in the mind; to consider; to believe
third - ad. coming after two others
this - pro. of or about the person, place or thing nearby that has been spoken about already
threaten - v. to warn that one will do harm or cause damage
through - prep. in at one end and out at the other; from front to back; from top to bottom; with the help of; by
throw - v. to cause to go through the air by a movement of the arm
tie - v. to join or hold together with some material; n. anything that joins or unites; links or connections
time - n. that which is measured in minutes, hours, days and years; a period that can be identified in hours and minutes and is shown on a clock; a period when an event should or will take place
tired - ad. having less strength because of work or exercise; needing sleep or rest
to - prep. showing the direction of an action; showing the person or place toward which an action is directed; showing a goal or purpose
today - n. this day
together - ad. in one group; at the same time or place; in cooperation
tomorrow - n. the day after today
tonight - n. this night
too - ad. also; as well as; more than is necessary
tool - n. any instrument or device designed to help one do work
top - n. the upper edge or surface; the highest part; the cover of something
torture - v. to cause severe pain; n. the act of causing severe pain in order to harm, to punish or to get information from
total - n. the complete amount
touch - v. to put the hand or fingers on
toward - prep. in the direction of; leading to
town - n. a center where people live, larger than a village but not as large as a city
trade - v. to buy and sell or exchange products or services; n. the activity of buying, selling or exchanging products or services
tradition - n. a ceremony, activity or belief that has existed for a long time
traffic - n. the movement of people, vehicles or ships along a street, road or waterway
tragic - ad. extremely sad; terrible
train - v. to teach or learn how to do something; to prepare for an activity; n. an engine and the cars connected to it that move along a railroad
transport - v. to move goods or people from one place to another
transportation - n. the act or business of moving goods or people
trap - v. to catch or be caught by being tricked; to be unable to move or escape; n. a device used to catch animals
travel - v. to go from one place to another, usually for a long distance
treason - n. the act of fighting against ones own country or of helping its enemies
treasure - n. a large collection of money, jewels or other things of great value
treat - v. to deal with; to act toward in a special way; to try to cure
treatment - n. the act of treating; the use of medicine to try to cure or make better
treaty - n. a written agreement between two or more nations
tree - n. a very tall plant that is mostly wood, except for its leaves
trial - n. an examination in a court of a question or dispute to decide if a charge is true
tribe - n. a group of families ruled by a common chief or leader
trick - v. to cheat; to fool a person so as to get something or make him or her do something
trip - n. a movement from one place to another, usually a long distance
troops - n. a number of soldiers in a large controlled group
trouble - n. that which causes concern, fear, difficulty or problems
truce - n. a temporary halt in fighting agreed to by all sides involved
truck - n. a heavy vehicle used to carry goods
true - ad. correct; not false
trust - v. to believe that someone is honest and will not cause harm
try - v. to make an effort; to take court action against a person to decide if he or she is guilty or innocent of a crime
tube - n. a long, round structure through which liquids or gases can flow; a long, thin container in which they can be kept
turn - v. to change direction; to move into a different position; to change color, form or shape
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